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Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.
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Nga Pou o Heretaunga coverage
4 Aug 2013Justine Murray presents coverage of the official unveiling ceremony of 18 pou whakairo at Hastings Civic Square. Audio
Whakatāuki for 4 August 2013
4 Aug 2013Te hura o Nga Pou o Heretaunga. He Takunetanga motuhake mō te rohe. The unveiling of Nga Pou o Heretaunga. An historic event of our district. Audio
Nga Taonga Korero - Emily Schuster
28 Jul 2013He Rerenga Korero host Whai Ngata interviews Emily Schuster (c. 1927 - 1997) about Raranga, weaving and it's growing popularity. (Recorded in 1977) Audio
Denise Messiter
28 Jul 2013Not only does Te Whariki Mana Wahine o Hauraki (Hauraki Women's Refuge) offer support for whanau with a safehouse and legal advice but there are plans to extend their op-shop available for whanau… Read more Audio
Nga Kaihanga Uku - The Maori Clay makers collective
28 Jul 2013Justine Murray has a chat with founding members of the group about the exhibition Uku Rere: Nga Kaihanga Uku and Beyond at Pataka Museum in Porirua. Audio
Whakatāuki for 21 July 2013
28 Jul 2013Te Kore, Te Po, Te ao Marama. The void, the darkness into the world of light. Explained by Wi Taepa nō Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao. Audio
Whakatāuki for 28 July 2013
28 Jul 2013Te Kore, Te Po, Te Ao Marama. The void, the darkness into the world of light. Explained by Wi Taepa nō Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao. Audio
Nga Taonga korero - Maureen Waaka (1943 - 2013)
14 Jul 2013From the Whenua programme host Libby Hakaraia interviews Maureen about her stance against more pokie machines in her community of Rotorua. (Recorded in 1998) Audio
Stewart Taipari and Ukes on Fire
Stewart Taipari teaches the Ukulele and is a founding member of Ukes on Fire, based in Thames. Read more Audio
Tania Waikato and Vanessa Skipper of Kawacure
14 Jul 2013Te Teko based business Kawacure is making Rongoa remedies more accessible. Audio
Whakatauki for 14 July
14 Jul 2013Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini. My strength is not from me alone, but from many. Explained by Tania Waikato nō Ngati Awa. Audio
Joe Mcleod
As a native speaker of te reo Maori, Joe Mcleod gives examples of mispronounced Kupu Maori (Maori words). Audio
Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.