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Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.
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Hei Waha - Part one of Ikaroa Rawhiti debate
16 Jun 2013Co-ordinator of the debate David Jones questions the candidates about key issues affecting Maori. Audio
Ikaroa Rawhiti candidates - Introductions
16 Jun 2013Na Raihania (Maori Party); Te Hamua Nikora (Mana Party); Meka Whaitiri (Labour Party), and; Marama Davidson (Green Party) - explain their iwi and hapu affiliations. Audio
Whakatauki for 16 June 2013
16 Jun 2013Ka hinga atu he tetekura. Ka hara mai he tetekura. As one fern frond dies, one is born to take its place. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa for 9 June 2013
9 Jun 2013In the early hours of 3 June 2013 Maraea Rakuraku joined a contingent of buses, vans and cars travelling en masse to Wellington to mark the signing of the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and… Read more Audio
Caii-Michelle Gordon
2 Jun 2013Ngati Porou and Rongowhakaata singer Caii-Michelle Gordon (formerly Kaye Gordon) talks about her career. Audio
Ian Taylor - Maori Business Leader 2013
2 Jun 2013Ian Taylor chats with Maraea Rakuraku about his career that eventually lead to the establishment of his ground breaking graphics and animation company. Audio
Whakatauki for 2 June 2013
2 Jun 2013Ka pono Ka rere au. I believe I can fly. Explained by Caii-Michelle Gordon no Ngati Porou, Rongawhakaata. Audio
Ruia Morrison-Davy
26 May 2013Ruia Morrison-Davy began playing tennis at eight years old. Thirteen years later she was competing at Wimbledon. This June, at 77 years old, she will travel back to Wimbledon as part of a trip… Read more Audio
Dick Garratt - Maori Tennis
26 May 2013President of the Aotearoa Maori Tennis Association Dick Garratt talks about the popularity of Maori Tennis over the last century, and the upcoming trip to take Ruia Morrison-Davy back to Wimbledon in… Read more Audio
Hirini Kaa - host of Maori TV show The Prophets
26 May 2013Hirini Kaa talks to Maraea Rakuraku about some of the religious insights he encountered while filming the series The Prophets, a seven part series currently screening on Maori Television. Audio
Whakatuki for 26 May 2013
26 May 2013He aha te mea nui o te ao? Maku e kii atu he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. What is the most important thing? It is people, people, people. Explained by Dick Garratt no Tuhoe. Audio
Whakatauki for 19 May 2013
19 May 2013He aha tetahi o nga mahi o te Kaumatua? Te Awhi. What is one of the roles of Kaumatua? It is to help. Whakatauki explained by Jane Edwards no Ngati Toa Rangatira. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.