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How to manage screen time is a delicate topic in many households: like how much is too much? Are some screen-based activities better than others? And how can parents make sure they stick to the rules themselves, and don't end up looking like total hypocrites!?
The ABC's 'Parental As Anything' tries to find some helpful tips and solutions to everyday parenting dilemmas; stuff like how to build up resilience, how to help with the homework, and just how many after-school activities is too much.
And with research suggesting that children in Australia are spending 8 hours every day in front of a screen,the show's host, parenting educator Maggie Dent, asks digital well being expert Dr Kristy Goodwin to tackle some of the challenges of raising kids in the digital age on the ABC's 'Parental As Anything', And the show's produced by Kim Lester, with sound engineering from Anne-Marie Debettencor, and production support from Jane Curtis.