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The Panel for Monday 5 February 2018
The Panel pre-show for 5 February 2017
3:53 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Paula Penfold and Damian Christie (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Police are advising victims of financial crimes to hire private investigators. Criminal lawyer Steve Cullen thinks Police don't take financial crime seriously enough. Government agency Callaghan… Read more Audio
The Panel with Paula Penfold and Damian Christie (Part 2)
4:05 PM.A Gallup poll shows North Americans are reading books as much as they were in 2002 despite the advent of social media and smartphones. Will we keep reading though? What the Panelists Paula Penfold and… Read more Audio
Police refer fraud to PIs
4:07 PM.Police are advising victims of financial crimes to hire private investigators. Criminal lawyer Steve Cullen thinks Police don't take financial crime seriously enough. Audio
Govt agency's $3m travel and tips
4:15 PM.Government agency Callaghan Innovation spent almost $3 million on travel and entertainment in one year. Someone also generously tipped $50 from the public purse. Audio
SuperBowl 52
4:17 PM.The USA's greatest sporting show on earth is on today. Superbowl 52 sees the New England Patriots go against the Philadelphia Eagles. Audio
Uphill slog starts for teachers
4:25 PM.Teachers who think they're underpaid and overworked start 2018. Will this government do anything about it? Audio
Workplace sexual misconduct register
4:27 PM.A national register of workplace sexual misconduct is set to be established by July. MBIE will keep note of the alledged misdeeds under the direction of the Women's Minister Julie Ann Genter. Audio
Are books forever?
4:33 PM.Most Afghans can't read but their book trade Is booming.
Meanwhile a Gallup poll shows North Americans are reading books as much as they were in 2002 despite the advent of social media and… Read more Audio
Panel Says
4:37 PM.What the Panelists Paula Penfold and Damian Christie want to talk about. Audio
Waitangi PM lovefest - but there's work to do
4:44 PM.So far pre-Waitangi Day events have been largely amicable. Dr Aroha Harris discusses what shape the relationship between Maori and the government needs to take. Audio
A message for Facebook's Messenger Kids
4:55 PM.Many community groups and psychologists think children under 12 are too young to be into social media. They're asking Facebook to get rid of it's Messenger Kids platform. Audio
Monday 5 February 2018
Today's Panelists are investigative journalist Paula Penfold and multi-media reporter and producer Damian Christie
We're back on Wednesday 6 February 2018 with journalist Nadine Higgins and cycling advoctate Patrick Morgan.