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The Panel for Thursday 3 May 2018
One Quick Question for 3 May 2018
3:48 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Today a question from Jennifer about Prince William and his heirs, a query from Justine about pirates and a question about RNZ reception. Read more Audio
The Panel pre-show for 3 May 2018
3:53 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Story of the day we revisit yesterday's discussion about emails and also discuss the acronym IMHO. Read more Audio
The Panel with Cas Carter and Steve McCabe (Part 1)
4:03 PM.A plan to re-enter Pike River Mine is expected to be announced today. International technical advisors have been meeting in Greymouth to figure out a plan. We ask the panelists if they're pleased or… Read more Audio
The Panel with Cas Carter and Steve McCabe (Part 1)
4:05 PM.The panelists discuss an opinion piece about how people talk to their digital assistants - Siri, Alexa and the like. The author says how rude or polite people are to these electronic assistants says a… Read more Audio
Pike River Mine re-entry
4:07 PM.A plan to re-enter Pike River Mine is expected to be announced today. International technical advisors have been meeting in Greymouth to figure out a plan. Read more Audio
Pay equity for Midwives
4:09 PM.Midwives have marched through Wellington today to deliver a pay equity petition to parliament. It calls for the Ministry of Health to support funding for the profession, as it struggles to keep up… Read more Audio
More on meth
4:13 PM.The discussion continues around the methamphetamine crisis, following yesterday's news that high school students were given a pamphlet entitled "10 ways to keep well if using meth". Read more Audio
New Caledonia's referendum
4:26 PM.New Caledonia will vote on whether to remain part of France at the end of this year. Read more Audio
What happened to being polite?
4:34 PM.The panelists discuss an opinion piece about how people talk to their digital assistants - Siri, Alexa and the like. The author says how rude or polite people are to these electronic assistants says a… Read more Audio
Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Cas Carter and Steve McCabe want to talk about. Audio
Private fireworks
4:45 PM.A private fireworks display stumped Aucklanders last night, with many wondering what the cause of celebration was. Read more Audio
Tradies reaction
4:48 PM.We dive back into the discussion about the shortage of tradies around the country. Yesterday HOBANZ CEO Roger Levie told us the lack of construction workers is a big hurdle for Phil Twyford to… Read more Audio
Baking soda to combat autoimmune disease
4:52 PM.New evidence suggests there may be an easy and cheap remedy for chronic inflammatory conditions. A daily does of baking soda in water could reduce inflammation in autoimmune disease like rheumatoid… Read more Audio
Today Jim Mora is joined by MIT lecturer, Steve McCabe and Cas Carter from PR firm Cas Carter Communications.