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The Panel for Friday 22 February 2019
Pre-Panel and I've been thinking for 22 February 2019
3:45 PM.A preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Ovarian Cancer awareness month. Audio
The Panel with Jacquie Nairn and Hayden Donnnell (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Shannon Haunui-Thompson is at te matatini and talks about what kapa haka does for te reo, groups using the stage for delivering political messages and how Wellington is welcoming the kapa haka groups… Read more Audio
The Panel with Jacquie Nairn and Hayden Donnnell (Part 2)
4:05 PM.What is the kiwiw way of life? There's a theme going around about the Academy Awards this year. Observations made about how it's not the best movies that actually win the Oscars. Why is this? We ask… Read more Audio
Te matatini
4:08 PM.Shannon Haunui-Thompson is at te matatini and talks about what kapa haka does for te reo, groups using the stage for delivering political messages and how Wellington is welcoming the kapa haka groups… Read more Audio
Kiwi way of life and the CGT
4:13 PM.The Tax Working Group has delivered its recommendations to the government with a Capital Gains Tax rising to the fore. It's suggested a CGT rate of 33 per cent .In the UK it's 28 per cent, in France… Read more Audio
Engaging with voters via referendums
4:22 PM.An opinion piece by the founder of Better Democracy NZ Steve Baron is urging for greater use of referndum as a political tool. The theory is that voters will engage more in the democratic process if… Read more Audio
Well-being Budget
4:27 PM.It's literally the cost of living. A new model introduced here as part of the government's Well Being Budget includes the value of a "statistical life". It's $4.7m. It's monetizing aspects of life… Read more Audio
Oscars and the best movies
4:34 PM.There's a theme going around about the Academy Awards this year. Observations made about how it's not the best movies that actually win the Oscars. Why is this? We ask entertainment reporter Kate… Read more Audio
Santa Parade backed by Auckland Councillors
4:42 PM.The Santa Parade won't be going down without a fight. It's got at least one councillor on its side - Cathy Casey says the $45k doled out by ATEEDS is nothing compared to what they fork-out for the… Read more Audio
Lime scooters ordered off Auckland streets
4:46 PM.The Auckland Council order Lime Scooters off the streets after safety concerns. Several people have been shot over the handlebars because of random braking.RNZ's Tom Furley is at the Auckland Council… Read more Audio
Swedish outcry over sex robots
4:52 PM.Sweden's National Organisation for Women's Shelters is calling for sex robots to be banned. They say they dehumanise women, they encourage men to treat women's bodies as objects and unlike real women… Read more Audio
Southland cat ban
4:55 PM.A Southland cat lover says the local council has kept mum about changes to cat rules in the region. Proposed new rules will require all cats in Omaui to be neutered and registered within 6 months and… Read more Audio