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The Panel for Monday 8 April 2019
Story of the Day for 8 April 2019
3:45 PM.In the New York Times over the weekend a discussion about our perceived abilities, a mathematician and an economist look at how we rate ourselves at certain tasks and why we over or under estimate in… Read more Audio
I've been thinking for 8 April 2019
3:56 PM.What the Panelists Nicky Pellegrino and Chris Wikaira have been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Nicky Pellegrino and Chris Wikaira (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Air New Zealand is lauded for its commitment to limit its carbon footprint and yet the airline is one of the country's biggest climate polluters, responsible for emitting 3.5 million tonnes of C02… Read more Audio
The Panel with Nicky Pellegrino and Chris Wikaira (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Question of the Day - Which musician's death effected you the most? The Singaporean government is proposing a law where it will be the one who decides which news is "fake" and which is "real". With… Read more Audio
Stop flying to save the environment
4:09 PM.Air New Zealand is lauded for its commitment to limit its carbon footprint and yet the airline is one of the country's biggest climate polluters, responsible for emitting 3.5 million tonnes of C02… Read more Audio
What's in a Maori name?
4:20 PM.In the King Country there's a proposal to change the settlement of Benneydale's name to Mania-Ti, after one of the nearby hills. And in Taranaki some are offended about abreviating the place name to… Read more Audio
Japan resumes commercial whaling
4:24 PM.Whale hunting goes back in Japanese culture thousands of years however, modern commercial or scientific whaling has been severely condemned by the international community. Japan has resumed its… Read more Audio
Question of the Day for 8 April 2019
4:33 PM.Question of the Day - Which musician's death effected you the most? Audio
Singapore government to decide which news is fake
4:40 PM.The Singaporean government is proposing a law where it will be the one who decides which news is "fake" and which is "real". With the ruling party having 80 per cent of the seats in parliament the law… Read more Audio
Berm parking
4:50 PM.Berms are back in the news with complaints of people parking their cars on them coming thick and fast in Auckland and Christchurch. So what's the problem? Too many cars and not enough parking in some… Read more Audio
Bikini body shaming
4:53 PM.A woman who was told her bikini was "inappropriate" by a duty manager at an Auckland pool felt she was being body-shamed.Yvette Harvie-Salter was in the sauna and spa at the Albany Stadium pool when… Read more Audio
Panelists for Tuesday 9 April 2019
5:00 PM.Pro vice chancellor of Massey University Chris Gallavin is in Wellington and private investigator Julia Hartley-Moore is in the Auckland RNZ studio.
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