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The Panel for Thursday 24 September 2020
Wireless hijinx in Wales
3:47 PM.There's been a real to do in the Welsh town of Aberhosan where the wifi has been turning off every morning at 7am. A crack team of engineers were called in and they solved the case - it was an old TV… Read more Audio
What panellists Alexia Russell and Peter Field are thinking
3:54 PM.What panellists Alexia Russell and Chris Field are thinking. Audio
The Panel with Alexia Russell and Chris Field (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Alert level changes in Auckland are not helping to get more people through the doors at the CBD's hospitality outlets. As the US COVID death toll passes two hundred thousand, President Trump says it's… Read more Audio
The Panel with Alexia Russell and Chris Field (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Professor David Murdoch talks to The Panel about a survey which shows one in five New Zealanders believe that the COVID-19 virus was developed in a laboratory. Former spy says the SIS stopped him from… Read more Audio
Alert level changes don't particularly help CBD's hospo sector
4:08 PM.Alert level changes in Auckland are not helping to get more people through the doors at the CBD's hospitality outlets. Vivace owner, Mandy Lusk explains to The Panel what's been happening. Audio
US has more than 200 thousand deaths, Trump calls it a _shame_
4:18 PM.As the US COVID death toll passes two hundred thousand, President Trump says it's a "shame". The Panel speaks to US correspondent Carol Ramos about the toll and heated debated about the next Supreme… Read more Audio
Today in music history: Jailhouse rock was released in 1957
4:32 PM.Today in music history Elvis Presley released Jailhouse Rock in 1957. Audio
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New survey finds 1 in 5 NZers believe COVID was made in the lab
4:35 PM.Professor David Murdoch talks to The Panel about a survey which shows one in five New Zealanders believe that the COVID-19 virus was developed in a laboratory. Audio
Spy found evidence of sexual abuse barred from going to police
4:45 PM.Former spy says the SIS stopped him from reporting sexual abuse against a young girl which he discovered during a covert operation. Professor of Law Al Gillespie talks about the laws around SIS… Read more Audio
Defending recorders with recorder musician Lily Doak
4:49 PM.The Panel speaks to Lily Doak, a recorder musician about her take on a Pink Batts advertisement which mocks recorders. Audio
Science proves that leftover takeaways do taste better
4:55 PM.Science has proven that left over food, especially takeaways, tastes better after a night in the fridge. Audio