7 Jul 2015

A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night Soundtrack

From The Sampler, 7:30 pm on 7 July 2015

Jim Pinckney saunters through the superlative spine tingling soundtrack to A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night.

A Girl Walks HomeAppearing in this years International Film Festival and billed as the first ever Iranian Vampire Western - A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is an intriguing proposition, with a soundtrack that is strong enough to work as a standalone listening experience. Ana Lily Amirpour, who conceived and made the film, has assembled a tantalizing selection of artists that suggests her passion for music runs alongside her obvious filmic fascination. The spine of the album comes from Portland, Oregon outfit Federale, with Iranian indie rockers Radio Tehran and Kiosk, and Los Angeles Armenian producer Bei Ru also featuring heavily.

With music playing such an integral part in a film that was shot in L.A., using Iranian actors speaking in their own language, this soundtrack has a lot to distinguish itself from the pack. Amirpour’s selection, and even the programming of the album, which mainly runs together like a judiciously compiled adventurous mixtape, all make for an enlightening, exquisite experience.

Songs featured: Khabnama, Bread Thief, Yarom Bia, Tribe, Cheshme Man, Death, Dancing Girls, Charkhesh e Pooch

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