8 Aug 2020

The Sampler Summit: Split Enz - True Colours 40th Anniversary

From The Sampler, 12:22 pm on 8 August 2020

To mark the 40th anniversary of Split Enz's True Colours album, Nick Bollinger calls a Sampler Summit. Guests are The Phoenix Foundation's Luke Buda, music journalist Silke Hartung and Enzology producer Jeremy Ansell.

Split Enz

Split Enz Photo: supplied

This year the Split Enz album True Colours turned forty. Their fifth long-player after seven years of toil, it marked the group’s first real commercial success, reaching number one in both Australia and New Zealand, and the top 40 in Britain, Canada and the USA. 

It spawned ‘I Got You’, the first but certainly not last hit single to come from the pen of Neil Finn, and several enduring songs from his brother Tim - ‘I Hope I Never’, ‘Shark Attack’, ‘Poor Boy’, among others.

True Colours

True Colours Photo: supplied

To mark this anniversary, a new edition of True Colours has just been released, remixed by the group’s keyboard player Eddie Rayner. Which seems like a good enough reason to engage in a bit of reflection on this landmark album, on Split Enz, their work and their legacy in general.

Joining Nick Bollinger for this Sampler Summit are:

Presenter and producer of RNZ’s Enzology series Jeremy Ansell; New Zealand Musician magazine writer Silke Hartung; and Luke Buda of musical treasures The Phoenix Foundation.

  • Enzology Part 6 - True Colours (1979-1980)
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