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Saturday 5 November 2011 Rāhoroi 5 Whiringa-ā-rangi 2011
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:04 Music after Midnight (RNZ); 12:30 Laugh Track (RNZ); 1:30 From the World (BBC); 2:35 Waiata Maori Music (RNZ); 3:05 Warrior Queen, by Barbara Else (RNZ); 3:30 The Week (RNZ); 5:10 Asian Report (RNZ)
6:08 AM. Storytime
Planet Quaid, by Kimiora Raerino, told by Kelly Tikao; Guido's Guy Fawkes Night, by Pat Quinn, told by Diana Burns; The Hedgehog and the Cattlestop, by Beverley Dunlop, told by Sima Urale; The Girl who Washed in Moonlight, by Margaret Mahy, told by Davina Whitehouse; Rainy Season, by Sue Gibbison, told by Moana Ete; Face of the Ancestor, by Geoff Chapple, told by Martyn Sanderson (RNZ)
7:08 AM. Country Life
Memorable scenes, people and places in rural New Zealand (RNZ)
8:10 AM. Saturday Morning with Kim Hill
A Saturday morning mixture of current affairs and feature interviews, until midday
12:10 PM. This Way Up with Simon Morton
Exploring the things we use and consume
2:04 PM. Music 101 with Kirsten Johnstone
The best songs, music-related stories, interviews, live music, industry news and music documentaries from New Zealand and the world, including:
4:10 Monkey Killer Records - Emma Smith attends the third birthday party of a Dunedin-based vinyl-only 'boutique' record label that specialises in releases of underground local bands (RNZ)
5:12 PM. Campaign Focus
Radio New Zealand's political editor Brent Edwards looks back at the week on the hustings (RNZ)
5:30 PM. Tagata o te Moana
Pacific news, features, interviews and music (RNZ)
6:06 PM. Great Encounters
In-depth interviews selected from Radio New Zealand National's feature programmes during the week (RNZ)
7:04 PM. Party Political Broadcast
The first of the campaign opening presentations for the 2011 General Election (RNZ)
8:04 PM. Saturday Night with Peter Fry
Four hours of music, reminiscences, listener requests and entertainment
11:04 PM. Wayne's Music
Wayne Mowat presents a selection of tunes too good to be forgotten (RNZ)
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