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Friday 6 February 2015 Rāmere 6 Hui-tanguru 2015

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 Global Business (BBC); 1:05 The Friday Feature; 2:05 Science (RNZ); 2:30 The Sampler; 3:05 One Love, by Miria George (RNZ); 3:30 NZ Society (RNZ); 4:30 The Why Factor (BBC); 5:10 Witness (BBC)

  • 6:00 AM. Breakfast with Stuart Keith

    An early miscellany of music, stories and random thoughts

  • 7:30 AM. Worldwatch

    The stories behind the international headlines

  • 8:10 AM. Waitangi Day with Jesse Mulligan

    Current affairs and topics of interest

  • Noon Midday Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport including:

    12:12 pm Worldwatch

  • 12:30 PM. Matinee Idle

    Phil O'Brien and Simon Morris present an afternoon of alleged music and dubious entertainment

  • 5:00 PM. The 5 O'Clock Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 5:30 PM. Mengele's Twins

    Among the horrors perpetrated at the Auschwitz camp were crude and unscientific experiments conducted on Jewish twins. They were masterminded by the notorious Josef Mengele, known as “the Angel of Death”. He was a true believer in the Nazi creed about the alleged genetic shortcomings of Jews  Survivors of his brutal regime  have spoken to the BBC about their experiences. They include Yona Laks who was deported to Auschwitz with her twin sister from the Lodz ghetto in Poland at the age of 14, and Vera Kriegel who arrived at the camp when aged just six. (BBCWS)

  • 6:00 PM. Waitangi Rua Rau Tau Lectures

    Hon Dame Jenny Shipley and Bishop Kito Pikaahu present the 2015 instalment of the annual series looking forward to the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Waitangi in 2040 (RNZ)

  • 7:06 PM. Fridgeonomics

    When you are poor and you get a little richer, one of the first things many do is to buy a fridge. In India for example, fridges are the second most desired object after a television. Two thirds of the population are yet to own one, but that number is falling. What you put in that fridge reveals a lot about changing wealth, consumption and lifestyles. The BBC World Have Your Say programme travels to India and examines the changing consumption patterns by taking a look at the contents of fridges belonging to members of its audience. (BBCWS)

  • 8:06 PM. Womad Concerts - Boomarang Project

    A musical exploration of the similarities between Gaelic, Aboriginal and Maori cultures.   features a wonderful collaboration between bagpipes, taonga puoro and didgeridoo.  Celebrating the ‘Indigenous Commonwealth’, this alliance explores the links between Celtic, Aboriginal and Maori cultures, and includes the band Breabach, from Scotland, Shellie Morris, Casey Donovan, Aaron Burarrwanga and Djakapurra Munyarryun from Australia and  Moana and the Tribe and Horomona Horo from New Zealand. (RNZ)

  • 8:30 PM. Music Feature

  • 9:06 PM. Country Life: Memorable scenes, people and places in rural NZ (RNZ)

  • 10:00 PM. News and Late Edition

    Radio New Zealand news, including Dateline Pacific and the day's best interviews from Radio New Zealand National

  • 11:06 PM. The Subcontinental: Bollywood

    Every Bollywood movie has songs - it's basically the pop music of India.  And Bollywood wouldn't be Bollywood without all those songs. The Bollywood tradition is relatively recent, but it comes from deep cultural roots: the song and dance that have permeated the culture of the Indian Subcontinent for hundreds of years. And yet, Bollywood composers also shamelessly copy from all musical styles. So it's kind of like a mix of music styles from around the world - the most global music there is. And best of all, it's infectious, it's festive, and, well, it just makes the world a better, happier place.This documentary takes you on a journey through the history of Bollywood music featuring classic songs and recent hits along with interviews with comedian Russell Peters, filmmaker Deepa Mehta (Water, Bollywood/Hollywood), Bollywood choreographer and dance sensation Shiamak Davar, and Ameen Merchant, author of The Silent Raga, among others. (Part 1 of 2, CBC)

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