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Sunday 27 December 2015 Rātapu 27 Hakihea 2015

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World (RNZ); 2:05 Spiritual Outlook (RNZ); 2:35 Hymns on Sunday; 3:05 What the Magi Left, by Penelope Todd (RNZ); 3:30 Nga Taonga Korero (RNZ); 4:30 Science in Action (BBC); 5:10 Bishops, by Mona Williams (1 of 10, RNZ)

  • 6:08 AM. Storytime

    Summer Blaze, by Dawn McMillan, told by Rangimoana Taylor; On New Year's Eve, by Tessa Duder, told by Richard Dey; Pohutukawa, by Sandra Morris, told by Miriama McDowell; Strawberries, by Genesis & Liz Potini, told by Vanessa Rare; The Pirates and the Nightmaker part 2, by James Norcliffe, told by Dick Weir

  • 7:10 AM. Insight: Elective surgery

    Karen Brown explores elective surgery - how many more are getting it and how many might be missing out?

    7:40 World Watch

  • 8:10 AM. The Weekend with Lynn Freeman

    Interviews, documentaries and round table discussions and documentaries about issues, trends, ideas and opportunities, plus practical tips for homeowners, travellers and food lovers

  • Noon The World at Noon

    A round-up of national and international news

  • 12:12 PM. Spectrum: The Homefront War

    Ena Ryan talks to Jack Perkins about wartime Wellington of the 1940s. As battles raged and casualties mounted, those left behind to keep the home fires burning waged their own war against uncertainty, grief and wartime conditions

  • 12:50 PM. Here and Where, by David Hill

    The Hour is Nigh: A New Zealand tour party experience a new year's eve party Peruvian style (3 of 5, RNZ)

  • 1:10 PM. Goodie Goodie! Python Python!

    The lost Cambridge Circus revue tapes from 1964 with John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor (1 of 5, NZBC)

  • 2:05 PM. The Beatles Christmases

    A documentary looking at what was happening in the lives of the band each Christmas season across the 1960`s... the decade they made their own (2 of 2)

  • 2:35 PM. The Dream Life of Elephants, by Vaughan Slinn, Sara Allen and Leo Gene Peters

    A mysterious and quirky look at the routine of urban loneliness through the eyes of Julian and Yvonne, two strangers who nearly meet

  • 3:04 PM. Songs of Joy and Peace: The Yo-Yo Ma Holiday Party

    Yo-Yo Ma and a remarkable group of friends celebrates the hopes, dreams and joy that animates seasonal festivals the world over (PRX)

  • 4:06 PM. Auckland Writers Festival: Nick Davies with Toby Manhire

    One of the world's leading investigative journalists, Nick Davies broke the phone hacking story in the UK, worked with Wikileaks' Julian Assange to publish classified material in the Guardian and has recently authored the bestselling Hack Attack. He joins New Zealand Herald columnist Toby Manhire to discuss media ethics, journalistic malpractice and more besides.

  • 5:00 PM. The 5 O'Clock Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 5:11 PM. Spiritual Outlook

    Exploring different spiritual, moral and ethical issues and topics (RNZ)

  • 5:40 PM. The Dwarf Who Moved, by Peter Williams QC

    Observations and anecdotes from the life of New Zealand's pre-eminent criminal defence lawyer (2 of 8)

  • 6:06 PM. Great Encounters

  • 7:05 PM. The TED Radio Hour

  • 8:06 PM. Sounds Historical with Jim Sullivan (Final)

    Jim Sullivan, RNZ's resident historian, listens back one last time to New Zealand and New Zealanders the way we were (RNZ)

  • 10:12 PM. What's the Word with Sally Placksin

  • 11:04 PM. Hidden Treasures

    Trevor Reekie seeks out musical gems from niche markets around the globe, re-releases and interesting sounds from the shallow end of the bit stream (7 of 10)

Next day - Mon 28

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