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Budget 2011
Budget 2011 headlines with summaries.
Rheumatic fever funding will save money - minister
23 May 2011Health Minister Tony Ryall says $12 million in the Budget for tackling rheumatic fever will save the health sector a lot of money in the long term.
Budget treats symptoms not causes - agencies
22 May 2011Church welfare agencies says the Budget treats the symptoms of society's problems, but not the causes.
Funding for children seen as political football
22 May 2011The United Nations Children's Fund says Budget funding to help children must stop being a political football.
$1.5m boost for walkway
23 May 2011The Government has allocated $1.5 million to complete a walking track the length of the country.
Tax expert says Budget changes tinkering around edges
20 May 2011A tax expert says changes announced in the Budget were really just tinkering around the edges of the system.
Parliament passes Budget cuts under urgency
20 May 2011Future cuts to KiwiSaver and Working For Families have been passed into law under urgency in Parliament.
KiwiSaver still a 'very attractive scheme'
20 May 2011PricewaterhouseCoopers chairman John Shewan says KiwiSaver remains a very attractive scheme for workers - though hopefully the Government will stop tinkering with it now.
Principals wary of boost in free tertiary places
20 May 2011Secondary schools fear they could lose thousands of students to polytechnics and other tertiary institutions next year.
Scientist disappointed by lack of vision
20 May 2011Leading scientist Sir Paul Callaghan says the lack of vision in the Budget is disappointing, particularly regarding reduced expenditure on science and innovation.
Rural GPs pleased with extra funding and resources
20 May 2011The Rural General Practice Network has welcomed the 4.3% increase in health funding in the Budget, saying it will benefit rural communities.
English rules out further changes to KiwiSaver
20 May 2011Finance Minister Bill English has ruled out any further changes to KiwiSaver or Working for Families, so long as a National-led government is in power. He says they're now on a sustainable footing.
Figures claimed to disprove job growth expectations
20 May 2011A Salvation Army social policy analyst says there are unrealistic expectations for job growth in the Budget - and the figures prove it.
Retailer predicts difficult times for sector
20 May 2011A leading Christchurch retailer says the Budget will make life difficult for the retail sector.
Budget predicted to keep the poor poor - and sick
20 May 2011The Child Poverty Action Group says the Budget does nothing to help low-income families but will simply keep them poor and, in many cases, sick for longer.
Goff objects to KiwiSaver bill urgency
20 May 2011Labour leader Phil Goff says the Government is denying New Zealanders the chance to ask questions in the select-committee process by pushing its KiwiSaver legislation through under urgency. Audio
MPs clash over impact of tax cuts
20 May 2011National and Labour MPs disagreed in the Budget debate in Parliament on Friday morning over the impact of the tax cuts introduced by the Government last year.
Funding increases not enough, say education groups
20 May 2011Education groups say the funding increases in Thursday's Budget will not keep up with rising costs. Audio
Newspapers focus on 'shaky quakey Budget'
20 May 2011The country's major newspapers on Friday morning are heavily focused on Budget reaction. The New Zealand Herald calls it a "shaky quakey Budget" and the Dominion Post a "big fat zero".
Still on notice, but credit rating downgrade averted
20 May 2011The Government has achieved its immediate budgetary aim of averting a credit-rating downgrade that could have pushed up borrowing costs. But New Zealand remains on notice of a downgrade by global…
Health sector says thanks - but further cuts feared
20 May 2011Extra funding for health in the Budget is being applauded within the sector, but some say there is also a lack of vision for the future. Audio
Rheumatic fever funding boost 'tremendous news'
20 May 2011A doctor in the Far North says the $12 million targeted in the Budget at reducing rheumatic fever is tremendous news for Maori families.
Analyst sees election still safe for National
20 May 2011A political analyst says the Budget is unlikely to lose the Government the election later this year. Audio
Public-service job cuts will continue, says English
20 May 2011Finance Minister Bill English says job cuts in the public service will continue. The Government wants to make up $1 billion of savings from the public sector over the next three years.
Scientists say it could have been worse
20 May 2011The lobby group the Association of Scientists is satisfied with this year's Budget but says science funding is still below that of other countries.
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