Call for contact with home health providers

9:32 pm on 1 March 2011

Home health providers in Canterbury say they're concerned about clients and need to know they are safe and well.

The Home Health Association is urging those who receive home support and have not yet had contact with the agency to make contact by phone or email.

Providers say they have been working hard to check all clients are safe, but often no one is home when they go to check. They say people may have gone to stay with family or friends, but they want to be sure.

Providers can be contacted on the following numbers: Healthcare NZ 0800 227 348; Access HomeHealth 0800 AT HOME (0800 284 663); Nurse Maude 03 375 4200; Ali's Home HealthCare 03 379 3131; and Florence Nightingale 03 328 7600.

Health and disability needs

Canterbury health authorities are urging people to contact Older Persons Health over urgent health and disability needs.

The contact number for Older Persons Health is 03 337 7765.

The district health board says there is extreme pressure on aged residential care beds in the region, but it can help people get services outside the region if necessary.

It says it's also setting up an extra respite service for older people in Christchurch.