1 May 2021

Covid-19 warning for some travellers from Brisbane upgraded

8:17 am on 1 May 2021

Some passengers who flew from Brisbane to New Zealand on Thursday are now being told to self-isolate, after a green-zone breach at Brisbane Airport.

Brisbane International Airport.

Brisbane International Airport. Photo: 123RF

Queensland authorities updated their advice late last night, with two locations of interest within Brisbane Airport.

Travellers who were at two locations of interest at the airport - Hudson's Cafe or the male toilet by Gate 79 - are now considered 'casual plus' contacts of two foreign travellers who were wrongly allowed into the green zone area.

The two people were from Papua New Guinea, and one has tested positive for Covid-19.

Passengers who were in the two locations of interest are being asked to self isolate, and be tested.

They will need to remain isolated until they get a negative day five test result on Tuesday.

The Ministry of Health is contacting nearly 400 passengers from three flights between Brisbane and New Zealand on Thursday.

The three flights affected are NZ202 from Brisbane to Christchurch, NZ146 which landed in Auckland, and Qantas flight 135 which arrived in Christchurch.

Papua New Guinea was last week deemed a very high risk country by the New Zealand government, meaning only citizens and their immediate family can return here.