There is one new case in managed isolation and quarantine facilities reported today, with no new cases in the community.
In a statement, the Health Ministry said the total number of active cases was now 18.
Today's new imported case arrived from Indonesia on 7 May.
Yesterday there was one new case reported in MIQ and none in the community.
The Ministry of Health said the public health risk to New Zealand from the Melbourne community case announced on Tuesday remained low.
"At this stage the Ministry is recommending that Quarantine Free Travel, between New Zealand the state of Victoria can continue with certain additional precautions in place."
It said its contact tracing team were emailing about 4500 passengers who recently travelled from Victoria to New Zealand to remind them of the necessary measures.
"Two people in New Zealand have contacted Healthline and identified themselves as casual contacts and have been provided with advice and/or had testing arranged."
The Section 70 public health order has been updated to include the new locations of interest in Melbourne. It requires anyone at one of the locations of interest as the specified times to self-isolate and get tested as required.
The notice can be found here.