18 Feb 2022

Covid-19 misinformation fliers breach advertising standards - ASA

2:53 pm on 18 February 2022

The advertising watchdog has upheld 101 complaints about misinformation about Covid-19 in glossy flyers distributed to homes around New Zealand by the anti-mandate group, Voices for Freedom.

An anti-vaccine leaflet delivered to households in Wellington by Voices for Freedom

An anti-vaccine leaflet delivered to households in Wellington by Voices for Freedom Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Complaints Board received 56 complaints about two ads discouraging mask use, and 45 complaints about claims about the children's vaccine.

Some complainants were also concerned about suggestions in the ads that the Authority was endorsing their claims.

The board says the ads are in breach of the Advertising Standards Code.

ASA chief executive Hilary Souter said while freedom of expression was protected under the Bill of Rights, that must be balanced with the public health impact of misinformation during a pandemic.

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