Can't get a straight answer from Winston Peters about who he'll go into coalition with? Ask the internet instead.
Everyone's Googling Winston, according to analytics provided by the online search giant. Photo: RNZ / Supplied
Google searches for all things Winston have soared since election night, when New Zealand First secured enough of the vote to ensure the party will be the decisive player in post-election coalition negotiations.
The most popular search has been 'did winston peters win' - suggesting that voters are either confused or just have a very keen grasp of the effect of Saturday's results.
Trend data from Google New Zealand shows searches for 'who will winston peters go with' spiked by 3500 percent in New Zealand in the immediate aftermath of the election.
A spokesperson said interest in Mr Peters took off as polls closed on election day, "peaking in popularity on Sunday night as it emerged the New Zealand First leader would once again play the kingmaker role in choosing the next prime minister".
Other popular search terms since then have included 'mmp nz' and 'maverick' - the word National Party leader Bill English, among others, has used to describe Mr Peters' role in New Zealand politics.
While interest in Labour leader Jacinda Ardern was especially high prior to election day, both she and Mr English have been eclipsed by Mr Peters since then, with searches for his name out-rating the other two leaders three to one.
As for who Mr Peters will ultimately go with - that's a question that not even Google can apparently answer.