The president of the Otago University Students' Association says it's too early to tell whether public allegations of sexual misconduct at law firms have changed student life.
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The university has cancelled its student-run law camp in response to complaints of nudity, excessive drinking, and jelly wrestling.
The camp is held at the beginning of each university year, and is aimed at bonding and creating collegiality among the second year students.
The next camp was due to be held next weekend.
First parents complained, then students, as public concern about issues within the sector grew after allegations were first directed at the law firm Russell McVeagh.
Otago University Student Association president Caitlin Barlow-Groome said students should stand up for what they think is right, and undergraduates should not be afraid to say 'No' if there's something they don't want to participate in.
She said she's not aware of any problems in other faculties.