The main artery between Wellington and Wairarapa, Remutaka Hill Road, will be closed for five nights from Sunday for road works.
Remutaka Hill Road. Photo: NZTA / Twitter
The Transport Agency said work was needed to stop slips and the whole road would have to be closed to make sure crews were safe.
It will be the first of three blocks of five-night closures to upgrade the road over the next year.
A shuttle van is being made available for people who have to travel the route, and the agency said people should book in advance.
Emergency services will be able to use the road if they need it.
The road will be closed from 9pm until 4am.
— NZTA Wellington (@NZTAWgtn) November 19, 2019
Five consecutive night-time closures begin 9pm this Sunday 24 Nov til Friday morning 28 Nov. Road closed 9pm-4am each night. No choice but to use this road? We provide a time-tabled shuttle van. Contact us on