Water restrictions are in place for an Otago town following significant demand on its supply.
The Queenstown Lakes District Council high demand has led to water restrictions being implemented at Lake Hāwea. Photo: 123RF
The Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) said Lake Hāwea would face restrictions until demand had fallen to more sustainable levels.
Residents and visitors are asked to conserve water as much as possible.
That includes keeping hand-held hosing to a minimum at all times, and only using irrigation sprinklers between midnight and 6am.
QLDC General Manager Property and Infrastructure Pete Hansby said the council had observed extended periods where water was being drawn from the reservoir faster than it could be replaced.
"By taking a few simple steps now everyone can help ensure that the network remains in good shape, especially with continuing hot weather and no rain forecast until the middle of next week."
The council said the local network faced significant demand on Thursday and on Friday morning.
"We'll continue to monitor the situation and will remove the restrictions once demand has fallen to more sustainable levels," said Hansby.
* Tips and advice on conserving water can be found on the QLDC website.