A fifth body has been found during the search and rescue operation off North Cape after the Enchanter fishing charter tragedy.
Photo: Supplied / Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
Police say the body was retrieved this afternoon by a vessel supporting the search operation.
Four helicopters, including the Westpac helicopter from Auckland, three commercial fishing vessels, police dive squad and a coastgaurd vessel were on the water today, with part of the operation focused on checking the wreckage of the vessel. Search efforts have now concluded.
Police extended their condolences to the victim's family and friends.
Ten people were on board the charter boat Enchanter when it was damaged off North Cape during a storm on Sunday night.
Five people including the skipper were rescued by helicopter after four hours in the water, but five others lost their lives.
The vessel had activated its emergency beacon at 8pm on Sunday.
A rogue wave is understood to have hit the boat near Murimotu Island, breaking the bridge.
Diveworks Charters owner and former Enchanter skipper Phil van Dusschoten earlier said the boat was initially destined for deep-sea fishing so it was very well-built.
It had been returning from a fishing trip to the Three Kings Islands north of Cape Reinga, after departing from Mangonui mid last week.
The skipper of the Enchanter, Lance Goodhew, is said to be in "shell-shocked" over the incident.
Multiple investigations are now underway into the incident - the Transport Accident Investigation Commission and Maritime New Zealand are both looking into it, with more inquiries possible.
A rahui has been imposed along a stretch of the coast.