Joseph Snode died in a crash in Westland while on holiday from the United Kingdom. Photo: Supplied/GoFundMe
Lord of the Rings fan Joseph Snode always wanted to visit Aotearoa, with Hobbiton one of the first stops on his holiday here - he was killed days later.
"He was living his dream life before it was taken from him," said his mother, Elaine Snode.
British man Snode, 26, was touring New Zealand when he was tragically killed in a one vehicle crash on Otira Highway on January 28 in Jacksons, Westland.
"He was given a lift in a car to Christchurch that crashed, killing him instantly, the other occupants had minor injuries," his mother said.
Snode had arrived in New Zealand in early January, a place that was special to his family being Lord of the Rings fans.
"He visited Hobbiton and other Lord of the Rings sites and had a few days hiking on his own along the Abel Tasman Coast Track. We had no idea these magical days were to be his final days in New Zealand," said Elaine.
Family and friends, including his sister and girlfriend, were all "struggling to cope with the reality that our Joseph has died", she said.
A GoFundMe page has been set up for his memorial in the UK, as messages and photos keep them going while they await his repatriation from New Zealand, which is covered by insurance.
"It seems to be taking an age to hear that he is being repatriated to us. But he is being cared for by wonderful people in New Zealand who have kept us up to date with the process," she said.
Joseph worked for four years at Buckingham University to save money for his dream to travel the world and take photos.
During that time he also worked many festivals including Glastonbury, seeing Elton John last year.
This story was originally published by Stuff.