Auckland councillors on Thursday voted to endorse a redevelopment of Eden Park in a debate over the future of the city's stadiums. Photo: David Rowland/Photosport
Auckland Council has green-lighted the redevelopment of Eden Park into the city's - and country's - main stadium, with the majority of councillors supporting plans for a business case.
But with the council making it clear that it will not be digging into ratepayers' pockets for the $110 million needed to get the project off the ground, the Eden Park Trust will have to approach a seemingly reluctant government for help.
The Eden Park redevelopment plan with its increased seating, pedestrian promenade and retractable roof, left its ambitious waterfront stadium rival in the dust.
After a three hour debate on Thursday, councillors decided Eden Park was the most likely project to come to fruition.
Councillor Shane Henderson - who led the working group - said Aucklanders had been debating the issue of stadiums for decades.
"I've spent probably about two years on this issue, through it all I've received messages from everyone I've ever met - old school friends, you name it - giving me their definitive solution, which is the only right one, by the way."
Henderson said the council should have an input into a multi-generational decision.
"Opinions will always be strong and divided in this issue, so it's up to us to show leadership and put a stake in the ground. I think that's what most Aucklanders want from their representatives."
Mayor Wayne Brown agreed that Eden Park was the most realistic option - and criticised the billion-dollar price tag on the Te Tōangaroa waterfront stadium plan.
"This is the best one because it provides some level of certainty for things to go ahead. But it doesn't completely rule out your big, hairy ass monster that might just emerge at some stage or another," he said.
Councillor Wayne Walker said the waterfront project was unrealistic financially so Eden Park was a no-brainer.
"Eden Park actually washes its face right now with I think, in 2023 it had a $12 million profit, then why would we not invest in a winner?"
But Chris Darby hit back at his fellow councillors for not having more vision for Auckland.
"It's time to be really blunt about Eden Park and I don't think we are. It's stuck in suburban remoteness surrounded by a moat of villas," he said.
He and Josephine Bartley voted against endorsing Eden Park and he believes the waterfront option was more spectacular.
"It's an innovative design, it truly is, by some top architects out of New York, and it has a 100 year outlook, not a 10 or 20 year outlook. It's a big idea for Auckland, and the big ideas really challenge this council."
Outside the council chamber - Hospitality New Zealand's Steve Armitage welcomed Eden Park having more capacity for big audiences.
"It's the large-scale major events that really provide the cream to many businesses. The Coldplay concerts last year, we saw businesses that were taking a month's worth of takings over a single night."
Nick Sautner, chief executive of the Eden Park Trust Board, said moves were already underway to get a business case in front of the government.
"We have put in an IPP application, with a business case and a fully costed, staged approach, and we look forward to getting feedback on that IPP process, and also, our fast track application."
Eden Park Trust Board chief executive Nick Sautner Photo: Sharon Brettkelly
Despite all the optimism, there is no clarity as to whether the government will come to the party with the millions of dollars the revamp needs.
In a statement, Minister for Auckland Simeon Brown said there would be a "high bar" for government funding for a stadium.
"Given the constrained fiscal environment New Zealand is facing and large demands for capital expenditure in health, education and transport, there would be a high bar for government funding," he said.
"As the Prime Minister indicated earlier this year, we're keen to clear away regulatory blockages like the limit on concerts to support the stadium to succeed for Auckland."
Residents support expansion plans - spokesperson
A spokesperson for 250 neighbours living around Auckland's Eden Park hoped plans to expand the stadium would take off.
Eden Park Residents Association spokesperson Shona Tagg told Morning Report locals hoped the revamp would attract more events.
She said residents did not mind the noise as long as they were told about events in advance.
"It's no different to living next to a school or an open-air park that is used for different things. We can plan around it.
"Our people and our members just want Eden Park to be used more. It's a fantastic asset for Auckland and New Zealand and it should be used more to realise the benefits."
She said people moved to the inner-city area because of its proximity to the stadium.
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