The Government is standing by its decision to use disputed land in west Auckland for housing, despite legal action by Ngati Whatua.
The Massey East parcel of Crown land identified for housing in Auckland. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson
Ngāti Whātua yesterday applied for a judicial review at the High Court, with particular attention to a property on Moire Road in Massey.
Both Ngāti Whātua and Waikato-Tainui said this month that they would seek clarity in the High Court.
The land is one of four properties unveiled by the Government last month, at the start of a process to make surplus Crown land available for housing.
Ngati Whatua said it had first right to buy the land and is asking the court for a speedy resolution.
It said it does not want to hold up the Government's housing programme.
But the Government said it was confident of its legal position and respects the iwi's right to take the matter to court.
The Labour Party's housing spokesperson Phil Twyford said court action over the Government's series of botch-ups in its Crown Land Programme was inevitable.
This fiasco could have been avoided had the Government consulted with the iwi, he said.
Mr Twyford said after the Government claimed the iwi had no right of first refusal, it turned out that one of the properties had already been pre-notified to Ngati Whatua under its right of first refusal.
He said he believed the iwi had a strong case against the Crown.
Housing and Building Minister Nick Smith at Crown land at Manukau in Auckland that has been identified for housing. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson