A new entity that will focus on the city's rebuild is not a replacement for the earthquake recovery authority the Christchurch Mayor says.
Lianne Dalziel Photo: Christchurch City Council
The Prime Minister announced yesterday a proposal for new legislation and a new organisation, called Regenerate Christchurch, to take over the work of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority when it dissolves next year.
The plan includes handing back control of the rebuild to the city council in the next five years.
Mayor Lianne Dalziel told Morning Report Cera's functions will be absorbed by the Department of the Prime Minister and cabinet, and the work of the new agency will focus on the wider city, as well as the CBD.
"We've got issues in New Brighton, we've got issues in Sumner and Lyttelton and different parts of the city that are still recovering in their own time-frames and we want to kind of get the momentum going in those areas as well as the CBD, so it's not an either, or."
Regenerate Christchurch will oversee the anchor projects and precinct developments for the next five years.
Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson
Asked when the council would be allowed to take control of the city again, Earthquake Recovery Minister, Gerry Brownlee said he had an aversion to putting timelines in place, but he estimated five years.
He said the Government will hand some powers back to the council sooner.
More private investment
The Prime Minister said getting more private investment will be a key role for Regenerate Christchurch, in leading the reconstruction of Christchurch.
John Key said it was an important step forward in the recovery process.
"How we make sure that the private sector and the councils are very involved in the development of effectively the four avenues. I think there's a lot of people in Christchurch being saying they want to see that because in the end the bulk of the money in there is going to be private sector money so yes the anchor projects are important but it's making sure other investors put their money on the line."