The organiser of a run around Dunedin's Ross Creek Reservoir said about 400 people ran or walked the track where a young woman was attacked last week.
A police cordon at the Ross Creek Reservoir, north of Dunedin, on 1 December 2015. Photo: RNZ / Ian Telfer
A 23-year-old woman was tied up and sexually assaulted near the Ross Creek reservoir on 30 November between 7pm and 10pm.
Dunedin runner Megan Martin created a Facebook page to publicise the jogging event, and was pleased to see so many people making their way to the track last night.
"I got there about 7 o'clock and there were just streams of people coming down over the John McGlashan fields towards us, all wearing yellow. It was really quite a warming sight."
Ms Martin said some participants offered a gold coin donation which raised more than $800 for Victim Support in Dunedin.
Police have released an identikit picture of the man they are looking for in relation to the attack. He is described as a tall thin Pakeha.