Outgoing New Plymouth mayor Andrew Judd is inviting the nation to join him on a Peace Walk to Parihaka.
New Plymouth Mayor Andrew Judd. Photo: RNZ / Robin Martin
Mr Judd announced last week he would not be seeking re-election after he had been spat at and abused in the street over his support for the introduction of a Maori ward in New Plymouth.
His stance has been applauded and criticised, with TVNZ host Mike Hoskings saying Mr Judd was "completely out of touch with middle New Zealand".
Mr Hosking's comments sparked a number of complaints to TVNZ.
Mr Judd said he did not want to see the issue rehashed ahead of October's local body elections.
The hikoi will run from his mayoral office to Parihaka 45 km away.
The hikoi will take place on 17 June and Mr Judd said it would be a walk towards a new conversation about inclusion, and the creation of a nation free of abuse.
Parihaka was the centre for non-violent resistance to land confiscations. It was sacked by government forces in 1881.