Six more cases of measles have been confirmed in Horowhenua, bringing the total number of cases in the MidCentral health district up to nine.
Photo: 123RF
Since an outbreak of measles in Waikato last month, the virus has spread to Nelson, Northland and Horowhenua.
There are 31 confirmed cases and four under investigation in Waikato.
Northland has recorded six confirmed and one possible case.
Northland Medical Officer of Health Clair Mills has said that only about 60 percent of Northland teenagers are fully vaccinated against the disease, while 95 percent coverage is needed to stop its spread through the community.
Dr Mills said there had been a good response to Northland Health's extra vaccination clinics, with about 300 people treated, and GP clinics were getting more requests for MMR vaccinations.
In Nelson, a second report of the highly contagious virus was also confirmed this week.
The MidCentral District Health Board said it was following up with people who have been in contact with those infected.
The Ministry of Health is advising everyone to check they are vaccinated against measles.