Photo: RNZ / Ebony Lamb / Jarred Bishop
The prosecution and defence close their cases with the stories they have gradually been revealing through the trial.
The prosecution lawyer emphasises David Lyttle’s confession to the prison guards, his misleading statements about Brett’s guns, the inadequately explained two-hour gap in his trip to the campsite.
The defence say it's all just a story David made up and most of it can't be true. And some drug dealers who killed Brett have gotten away with murder.
It's the job of the jurors to decide which side tells the most compelling story.
They return a verdict.
Did they get it right?
Photo: Ebony Lamb Photography
Written and presented by Steven Price
Executive Producers Justin Gregory, Katy Gosset & Tim Watkin
Director Duncan Smith
Music Ebony Lamb and Gram Antler
Images by Ebony Lamb. Design by Jarred Bishop
Supported by the Michael and Suzanne and Borrin Foundation and Te Kauhanganui Tatai Ture, Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington
Photo: Victoria University of Wellington
Photo: Borrin Foundation