Exporters shoring up against Covid cargo crisis
New Zealand's key exporters are chartering private ships to ferry produce to foreign markets, amid a Covid-driven cargo crisis. Meat producers and fresh fruit and vege producers are struggling to get… Audio
Meatworkers win lockout fight with Affco
Meatworkers who spent five months locked out of work last year have won their battle with employer Affco, with the Court of Appeal agreeing the lockout was illegal.
Meatworkers win battle with Affco
Meatworkers who spent five months locked out of work last year have won their battle with employers Affco. Audio
AFFCO fined $15k and accused of 'union busting'
Meat processor AFFCO is being accused of American-style union busting after it was fined $15,000 by the Employment Relations Authority.
Tweets cause employment row
The Meatworkers' Union and Talley's-owned meat processing company AFFCO are caught up in a stoush over the Union's tweets, which AFFCO says are untruthful, derogatory and breach the duty of good… Audio
AFFCO takes union to court over 'derogatory' comments
A stoush between the Meat Workers Union and AFFCO Talleys over social media posts will go to the Employment Court.
AFFCO to reimburse humiliated worker
AFFCO has been ordered to reinstate a worker the Employment Relations Authority says was unfairly treated by the company.
Affco Talleys wants Facebook gag - union
Affco Talleys is trying to stop its workers talking about the company on Facebook and other social media, says the Meatworkers' Union. Audio
After meathook fine, another accident being investigated
The meat company that's just been fined thousands of dollars after a worker was impaled on a hook is being investigated for another case where a man was also caught in machinery and had his head… Audio
Affco fined over worker who was impaled
A meatworker whose face was impaled on a hook has been awarded $25,000 in damages.
Meatworker awarded $25,000 after face impaled on hook
A meatworker whose face was impaled on a hook has been awarded 25 thousand dollars in damages. Audio
AFFCO taking union to Employment Authority
AFFCO is taking the Meat Workers Union to the Employment Relations Authority over what it says are misleading and deceptive statements in the media.
Affco and Meat Workers Union dispute continues
The long running dispute between Affco and the Meat Workers Union is likely to end up back in court. Audio
Workers laid off days after returning to job
Affco has laid off 214 workers at its Rangiuru plant, in the Bay of Plenty, just days after unionised workers returned to the job.
Statement from AFFCO
AFFCO declined an interview with us, but has supplied a statement. Audio
Affco workers in Rangiuru laid off
Around 100 union members working at AFFCO in Rangiuru have been laid off, some with unblemished 35 to 45 years of service. Shed Secretary Bertie Ratu joins Checkpoint. Video, Audio
Cleaner tried to apologise while impaled
A judge has found meat company Affco guilty of breaching health and safety law after a cleaner's head was impaled by a hook, leaving him suspended in mid air. Video, Audio
Meatworkers can return to work until hearing - ERA
Two meatworkers fired after going into work early to talk to union members can return to their jobs until their hearing, the ERA says.
Meat workers to return to Wairoa
After a five-month union lockout, 170 Wairoa meat workers will be returning to the town's AFFCO plant on Monday. Audio
Formal confirmation Wairoa metaworkers will return to work
170 Wairoa meatworkers, shut out of the AFFCO plant in the town for five months, will return to work on Monday. Audio