Al Gore
Al Gillespie: China's influence in the Pacific not all bad
China's increasingly visible presence in the Pacific has intensified concerns about its growing influence in the region. However, Professor Al Gillespie says China's presence in the Pacific need not… Audio
Climate change and proposals: Jacinda Ardern overseas
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has spent her first day at the World Economic Forum in Davos speaking passionately about climate change alongside naturalist Sir David Attenborough and former US vice… Audio
Ardern's plea for climate change action: Be 'on the right side of history'
The prime minister, alongside Sir David Attenborough, has discussed the challenges of tackling climate change and encouraged world leaders to take on kaitiakitanga.
Jacinda Ardern talks climate change with Al Gore in Davos
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has joined Sir David Attenborough and former US Vice-President Al Gore to talk about about climate change at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The panel discussion was… Audio
Al Gore: 'It is right to give hope to the future generations'
The catastrophic floods in Texas and the sub-continent this week are terrible tragedy and a sign of things to come, former US vice president Al Gore tells Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan. Audio
Al Gore: 'It is right to give hope to the future generations'
Al Gore talks to his about his sequel to his groundbreaking documentary about the impacts of climate change, An Inconvenient Truth. In An Inconvenient Sequel he details the huge groundswell of action… Audio, Gallery