Biden on first trip to African nations despite term coming to end
Africa correspondent Elna Schutz spoke to Lisa Owen about United States President Joe Biden currently on his first trip to African nations, Namibia's election last week and Zimbabwe changing some laws… Audio
Can Sophie Wessex reignite the royal flame?
It's been a tough time for the British royal family of late. However, there is a ray of light in the form of Sophie, Countess of Wessex, who is being tipped to steady the royal ship. Author Christina… Audio
At least 17 dead in Angola stadium stampede
At least 17 people died and scores were injured in a stampede at an Angolan football match, officials say.
Analog Africa
Trevor Reekie talks to Samy Ben Redjeb, the crate digger behind Analog Africa. Audio
John McLeod: modern peacekeeping
Cross-agency Defence Force lead for the 2015 Gallipoli commemoration, and author of Elusive Peace: a Kiwi Peacekeeper in Angola, about his time as a United Nations Military Observer in 1998. Audio
Daniel Haaksman
German producer, and Man Records founder Daniel Haaksman talks Emma Smith through some of the latest developments in Berlin techno. Audio