Brian Easton
Ideas for 25 March 2012 - Taxation
This week the Ideas team look at taxation - a way to a utopian society? Oxfam New Zealand senior policy advisor Sarah Meads and CTU economist Bill Rosenberg make the case for a tobin - or Robin Hood -… Audio
Brian Easton, economist and... art curator?
Brian Easton has picked portraits for the National Portrait Gallery's latest exhibition, The Makers of Modern New Zealand 1930-1960. How did he narrow it down to just 60? Audio
The Economic History of New Zealand
Brian Easton is an economist who is writing New Zealand's full economic history, spanning from 650 million years ago until the present day. His book is tentatively titled Not In Narrow Seas. One of… Audio
Analysts discuss merits of Labour's tax proposals
The Government is issuing a challenge to the Labour Party to tell the country where the money for its proposed tax cuts is coming from. Audio
Is the recession really over?
Economist Brian Easton has studied every recession in New Zealand since the 1970's. Audio
Economic deterioration
Economist Brian Easton and Business New Zealand economist John Pask. Audio
Meeting of G20 leaders this weekend
Cleaning up the banking system will be one of the top priorities at a meeting of G20 finance ministers in England. Audio
Infrastructure spending
Comments from economist Brian Easton and Stephen Selwood, the Chief Executive of the Council for Infrastructure Development. Audio
The economic recession could result in job losses, we discuss which industries are most vulnerable. Audio
Sunday Group,The Economy
Dean Baker,Kerry McDonald,Brian Easton,Cameron Bagrie and Ganeesh Nana Audio
National Party Will Not Sell Any State Owned Assets
John Key has committed the National Party to not selling any State owned assets in its first term of office. Audio