Brian Easton
Spy Scandal: the story of Dr Bill Sutch
On 27 September 1974 New Zealanders woke to the news Dr Bill Sutch, a famous economist, historian, and former senior government official had been arrested and accused of spying for Soviet Russia. He… Audio
The Rise of The Market Economy
Economist Brian Easton joins Bryan for his final chat on the show: The Rise of The Market Economy. Audio
The economics of inflation
Bryan is joined by economist Dr Brian Easton to discuss what inflation actually is. Brian will also be looking at how we talk about inflation, what our current position is in Aotearoa and try and work… Audio
Ask an Economist
Bryan Easton is back once again. Tonight he reviews last month's budget, considers the practicality of unemployment insurance, and maybe answers a question or two on our options for cutting our… Audio
Taxing Questions About Taxing Housing
Nights' regular Economist, Brian Easton thinks that the government's recent housing package may work, but wonders if it will do enough. Audio
Nights Pundit - Brian Easton
Nights Pundit Brian Easton on how the Economy is doing. Audio
NZ in a recession for the first time in a decade
GDP figures released today show that NZ is in recession for the first time in 11 years. Economist Brian Easton talks to The Panel about the numbers and how bad it may get due to COVID-19 related… Audio
Brian Easton - Economics
Brian Easton returns with more economic insights into life during a pandemic. Audio
Ecomomics with Brian Easton
Brain Easton is back with us once again casing his eye on our current economic situatiuon. Audio
The Hump - with Brian Easton
The Hump is our Wednesday night Quiz Night where we take a dive into the archives of Nga Taonga Sound and Vision for some audio gems and we want to see if you can identify them. Audio
Pandemic and the Economy
Economist Brian Easton joins us to apply his know-how to give us some idea of the economics of Covid-19 both here in Aotearoa and worldwide, but as he says himself, "If you confidently know the… Audio
Reserve Bank announcements
The Reserve Bank has announced a range of measures to support New Zealand's financial system. Audio
Brentry: 48 hours in Luxembourg that changed NZ forever
New Zealand saw the UK’s ‘Brentry’ into the EEC in 1973 as an existential threat to our nation’s future. It preoccupied New Zealanders for a decade and eventually all hinged on 48 hours of… Audio
What should a fiscal stimulus look like?
Nights' economist, Brian Easton joins us in the studio. Tonight, in light of the recent lowering of the NZ cash rate, Brian gives this in an international context and asks what a fiscal stimulus… Audio
Family carer pay boost could be cut by funding shortfall
Moves boost the number of family carers paid to look after disabled relatives could be kneecapped by a funding shortfall.
From next year the government plans to allow partners and spouses of a… Audio
Nights Economics
Just in time for a pre-budget yarn, Brian Easton joins us in the studio to look at what a 'wellness' budget might look like. Audio
Tumblin' Down
Not that long ago, the New Zealand economy was built on sheep, sheep and more sheep. We were asking for economic trouble and in the late 1960s, we got it. Produced by Justin Gregory. Audio
Managing the Inevitable
There is quite a lot of noise at the moment predicting a financial crash. The noise tends to get magnified because it makes good media headlines. Should we take it seriously? Our friendly economist… Audio
Tariffs and Trade
In light of Donald Trump's latest round of tariffs on Chinese goods, Nights' favourite economist Brian Easton joins us with a look at the bigger picture. Audio
Does our economic model need a re-think?
Bill Gates says there's something fundamentally wrong with our economic model, and says his own company Microsoft proves his point. Economist Brian Easton joins us to examine Gates' thoughts. Audio