Bruce Robertson
Midday Report Essentials for Friday 7 February 2025
In today's episode, locals are concerned about a meeting the Cook Islands Prime Minister is holding with China, and there are wider geopolitical concerns too; the founding chief executive of Health… Audio
Palmerston North Speedway attracts big crowds
The annual Superstock Teams Champs is on this weekend, the biggest event on Palmerston North's calendar. Charlotte speaks with Palmerston North Speedway Promoter Bruce Robertson. Audio
Sugary drinks could be off the menu at Palmerston North venues
Sugary drinks could be off the menu at a series of Palmerston North sports venues if the council has its way. Speedway promoter Bruce Robertson spoke to Ingrid Hipkiss. Audio
NZ Sporting History: The legacy of Bruce Robertson
New Zealand Rugby has recently lost one of its greats, Bruce Robertson aged 71. To talk about his legacy to the game Jesse speaks to one of the country's most respected rugby commentators, Bob Howitt.
…All Black memorial to be held tomorrow
The memorial for the legendary All Black Bruce Robertson is tomorrow. Bruce passed away on Friday last week age 71. He played 102 matches for the All Blacks from 1972 and was widely consiered the… Audio
Stewart Island kākāpō's genetic health surprisingly good despite inbreeding
After 10,000 years of inbreeding, Rakiura/Stewart Island kākāpō have been found to be in surprisingly good genetic health.
A major international study reveals the kākāpō have lost harmful mutations… Audio
Former chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum dies at 87
The former chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum who brought major change to the court has died, aged 87. Under his leadership, the first Māori High Court judge was appointed, judges' wigs were… Audio
Govt told to improve endangered birds' genetic pools
According to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, 80% of the country's native bird population is in a bad way and say are even at risk of extinction. Scientists say eliminating… Audio
Kākāpō - what genes can tell us
A new genetic study shows that a once abundant kākāpō population declined in numbers and genetic diversity soon after stoats were introduced in the late 1800s. Audio
Hunted to extinction - the Chatham Island sea lion
Within 200 years of settling the Chatham Islands, Moriori had hunted the local sea lion to extinction. What lessons can we learn from that? Audio
Women's driving skills blamed for Ford problems
Automotive expert Bruce Robertson explains the Powershift gearbox that's caused driving issues here and in Australia. Audio
Genome sequencing every living kakapo
In an ambitious world-first, scientists are using crowd-funding to pay for genome sequences for all 125 living kakapo - the first time an entire population will be sequenced. Audio
Hospitality NZ blames Police and Greens for pooping Cup party
Rugby fans may yet be allowed to watch this year's rugby world cup at bars. Audio
Smoking ban for outdoor bar areas
Hospitality NZ says a call to ban smoking at outdoor areas in bars and restaurants is social engineering. The CEO of the association Bruce Robertson is on to discuss. Audio
Smoking ban could affect cafes, bars
With his take on the smoking proposal, Hospitality Association chief executive Bruce Robertson is with us. Audio
Drink-drive laws have flow-on effect to pubs
The hospitality sector says a new survey shows changes to the drink drive law have been a factor in some pubs going under. Audio
Fewer caught drink driving
Bruce Robertson of Hospitality NZ is on with the Panel to talk about what effect the new drink drive limit is having on bars and restaurants. Audio
Study sheds new light on kea history
A genetic study of the kea casts new light on the history of the endangered parrot and what can be done to help protect it. Audio
Drinking age not the biggest issue
Parliament has voted to keep the legal drinking age at 18 years, despite a strong public desire to see it returned to 20. Audio
Government ministries at odds over sealion research
Government ministries appear to be at odds over research into the effect of squid fishing on the population of sea lions. Audio