Byron C Clark
The Week in Detail: Supie, 15-minute cities, and gang crackdowns
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Supie, 15-minute cities, and gang crackdowns
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioConvenient cities become conspiracy targets
How did a vision to make cities more liveable become twisted into a totalitarian dystopia? Audio
Convenient cities become conspiracy targets
How did a vision to make cities more liveable become twisted into a totalitarian dystopia?
AudioAnalysts flag overlaps between anti-govt, anti-trans groups
Analysts monitoring online extremism are flagging worrying overlaps between anti-mandate, anti-government, and anti-trans groups.
The recent visit by British anti-trans activist Posie Parker has… Audio
A conundrum over how to cover the conspiracists
This week, a documentary from Stuff Circuit delved into the country's growing extreme far-right and anti-vax movement. Why did the makers of Fire & Fury decide to platform a group of conspiracy-minded… Audio
A conundrum over how to cover the conspiracists
This week, a documentary from Stuff Circuit delved into the country's growing extreme far-right and anti-vax movement. Why did the makers of Fire & Fury decide to platform a group of conspiracy-minded…
AudioCovid-19: Protesters at risk of radicalisation - researcher
A researcher of the far-right says protesters around parliament are at risk of being radicalised - if they aren't already.
About 1000 people are occupying the area which has become a sort of… Audio
Mad, bad or mostly moderate? Media's mixed message on protest
There was plenty of condemnation of the occupation of Parliament in the media at first - but this week some media painted a much more palatable picture of the protesters and their motivations. Those… Audio
Mad, bad or mostly moderate? Media's mixed message on protest
There was plenty of condemnation of the occupation of Parliament in the media at first - but this week some media painted a much more palatable picture of the protesters and their motivations. Those…