Carmel Sepuloni
Ava ceremony offers glimpse at aspirations of NZ's Pasifika MPs
For the first time ever, an ava or blessing ceremony has been held to welcome new Pasifika MPs to New Zealand's parliament. Audio
Government announces incentives for Kiwi fruit-pickers
The government is this morning announcing new incentives to attract New Zealand workers to the wine and horticulture sector.
This comes alongside the news that 2000 seasonal workers from the Pacific… Audio
NZ's new govt cabinet unveiled with diversity front and centre
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delivered a Cabinet this week with diversity at the front and centre of her post-election 2020 line-up. Audio
Some differences between parties’ arts policies, but a lot of similarities too
An Election 2020 debate on the arts, with MPs from National, Labour and the Greens exploring their policy differences and similiarities. Miriama Kamo is in the chair. Audio
Election 2020: Morning Report social policy debate
About 50,000 people who've lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic are now on the jobseeker benefit.
Treasury projections show unemployment is expected to peak at 7.7 percent next year before… Audio
Warning over plan to encourage beneficiaries to volunteer more
Beneficiaries are going to be encouraged to do more volunteering, but the government's been warned it needs to ensure this doesn't turn into a 'work for the dole' scheme.
Social Development Minister… Audio
Govt needs to be prepared for Covid-19 job losses 'just in case' - Sepuloni
A new service is open to help connect everyone seeking and offering employment and training.
The service can be accessed online, by phone or on site at government hubs.
It aims to help people find a… Audio
Parliament's final debate
The 52nd Parliament has come to an end and in typical parliamentary fashion the MPs finished it off with a debate. Audio
Help at hand to get out of debt post Covid-19
New government funding will help New Zealanders get out of debt in the wake of Covid-19.
In late May, the Commission for Financial Capability found that 40 percent of households are now at risk of… Audio
Auckland programme to create 700 new jobs
As jobless rates and redundancies rise amid the covid fallout, a multi-million dollar boost to an Auckland jobs programme hopes to bring 700 more people into work. Video, Audio
First round of the Covid-19 wage subsidy nearing end
It's the beginning of the end for the original Covid-19 wage subsidy, as the 12-week, $11 billion scheme draws to a close.
The government expects close to a million people to come off the subsidy… Audio
Minister comfortable with difference between Covid-19 payment and regular benefit
For 12 weeks from the eighth of June, the government will pay up to $490 a week to people who lose their job due to Covid-19, and it estimates around 230,000 people could apply.
The maximum amount… Audio
Government introduces new Covid-19 job loss payment
The Government will pay up to $490 to people who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19 as part of a new relief payment announced today.
The payment will be given to New Zealanders who've lost… Audio
Coronavirus: Tens of thousands of new applicants for benefits
A new report on the nearly 40,000 people who signed on for the unemployment benefit during lockdown shows they're more likely to be first time beneficiaries, higher earners, recently returned from… Audio
A tax bill, last year's performance, and prisoner voting at alert level 3
In the first week of alert level 3 MPs have speedily passed a tax bill, started a performance review of the Government and heard views on prisoner voting. Audio
Sepuloni refuses law change to help desperate migrant workers
The Minister of Social Development is under growing pressure to do more to help migrant workers in desperate circumstances after losing their jobs due to Covid-19 lockdown and who are unable to access… Video, Audio
MSD ready to support struggling NZers
New Zealanders are struggling to put food on the table, with food banks experiencing unprecedented demands and thousands more people accessing the Ministry of Social Development's food and hardship… Audio
Benefit sanction scrapped for solo parents
After much advocacy - the long awaited scrapping of the sanction docking the benefits of solo parents comes into effect today.
The sanction meant that solo parents who didn't name the other parent… Audio
Social Development Minister discusses Covid-19 financial help
Rogue businesses double dipping on wage subsidies has prompted the government to tweak the scheme and issue a stern warning: employers must pass on the subsidies in full to workers.
The scheme for… Audio
Covid-19 lock down - what next for workers?
Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni speaks with Kathryn Ryan about the financial assistance available to people no longer able to work due to Covid-19 restrictions, and what help there is… Audio