Paedophile priests were dumped in the Pacific as 'geographic solution'
The region served as a perfect hiding place for priests accused of sexual abuse. Some didn't stop when they got there.
Paedophile priests dumped in the Pacific
The Pacific Islands served as a perfect hiding place for priests accused of sexual abuse. Some didn't stop when they got there. Audio
Time, heavenly bodies and leap years
Leap year is all about matching the seasons to time. It's just a construct, but try telling that to February 29th babies. Audio
'Pope Francis is still the biggest ally of the gay people'
In his new documentary, Francesco, openly-gay, non-Catholic filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky had unprecedented access to Pope Francis and was allowed to tackle many pressing issues. He joins the show to… Audio
Gabriel Byrne: 'We all walk with ghosts'
Hollywood leading man Gabriel Byrne has played some memorable roles in his prolific film career, but his new autobiography, Walking With Ghosts, could be considered his boldest and most dramatic work… Audio
Kate Mosse: 'Historical fiction lets us deal with the big issues'
Book reading has been on a high during the pandemic, with sales of historical fiction in particular soaring. Novelist Kate Mosse's new book, The City of Tears, has been gaining rave reviews. Kate… Audio
In the year of Covid lockdowns, a Christmas Day Mass from Auckland’s Cathedral Of St Patrick & St Joseph
The 2020 Christmas Day church service from the Catholic Cathedral Of St Patrick & St Joseph in Auckland features Bishop Michael Gielen and the cathedral's choir and vocal ensemble. Audio
The New Zealander running Bethlehem University
Bethlehem University is a Catholic University on the West Bank, established in 1973 as a joint venture between the De La Salle order and the Vatican. Its Vice-Chancellor, Brother Peter Bray FSC, is a… Audio
Claims disgraced bishop failed to safeguard people in diocese
Claims of a sex abuse cover-up and a failure to adequately protect women from sexual predation by a monk have surfaced in the diocese of disgraced bishop Charles Drennan.
Cardinal Pell loses appeal of child abuse conviction
The most senior Catholic cleric ever to be convicted of child sex abuse is back behind bars after failing in his bid to have his convictions quashed.
The Australian cardinal George Pell was jailed… Audio
Abuse expert: Catholic bishops risk losing all credibility
The Catholic Church has set up a new body to liaise with the Royal Commission's abuse inquiry, but its make-up has raised questions over its capacity to deliver truth.
Victims' advocate loses faith in an 'incapable' Church body
A sexual abuse survivors' advocate says she can no longer refer people to the Catholic Church's body for dealing with complaints, saying it is dangerously incapable of dealing with victims.
No report by Catholic college into abuse claims
A Catholic secondary school says no investigation report exists into a sex abuse complaint now being looked into by the police.
Pope asks forgiveness for priests' abuse at Dublin mass
Pope Francis has ended a two-day visit to the Republic of Ireland by celebrating a Mass at Dublin's Phoenix Park. Several hundred thousand people flocked to the park, where the Pope asked for… Audio
Priests who don’t report sex abuse confessions could be fined
Some Catholic priests across the Tasman will soon be facing a $10,000 fine if someone confesses child sex abuse to them and they don't report it to the police.
Excluding Church from inquiry would be an 'abject failure'
A world-leading authority on child sex abuse in the Church says it would be a colossal waste of money if a Royal Commission excluded churches.
Catholic missionary forced out of PNG
A New Zealand Catholic missionary, providing legal advice to landowners, has been forced out of Papua New Guinea. Audio
'Sinder' app helps Catholics find confession services
A new app aims to help Catholics find the nearest mass and confession services.
Father David Gledhill - Pākehā priest among Māori
The fourth in a Te Ahi Kaa series on Pākehā working and living in te ao Maori. We meet Father David Gledhill SM, a Pakeha priest who has worked among Maori for 50 years. Audio
Andrew Butler: determining death
Kim Hill talks to litigator Andrew Butler, one of New Zealand's leading experts on our Bill of Rights. He acted for Lecretia Seales, who went to the High Court last year in an attempt to win the right… Audio