Crown Law
When the rules on sexual and violent offenders fall down
14 Oct 2024
Extended supervision orders should keep tabs on serious offenders, but sometimes they're not granted - and sometimes they don't work Audio
Crown Law takes aim at Newsroom
16 May 2021
An online investigation that exposed Oranga Tamariki tactics - and prompted five inquiries and significant changes in policy and practice at the agency - is now being investigated by the Police. The… Audio
Legal professionals raise their voices for Child Cancer
9 Dec 2020
Counsel in Concert is a choir and orchestra made up of lawyers and legal staff from throughout the Wellington region, along with friends from New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington.
… Video, Audio
Four Akl law firms confirmed as seeking crown contracts
13 Jan 2015
Crown Law has confirmed it's received four bids for the role of Crown Solicitor in Auckland and Manukau. Audio