Midweek Mediawatch - show me the money
In this week's Midweek Mediawatch, Hayden Donnell talks to Mark Leishman about some missing context in stories on local government spending and "nice to haves" - and he looks at some bad news for… Audio
Minister pulls brakes on cycling and walking initiatives
In a letter to local authorities, Transport Minister Simeon Brown said he told Waka Kotahi to halt work on cycling and walking initiatives.
Congestion charges for Auckland to be announced
It's expected that next week the government is going to unveil plans for a congestion charge in the country's largest city, Auckland. Jesse speaks to Matt Lowrie, the editor of transport and urban… Audio
More people on bikes in Palmerston North after cycleway trial
Protecting cyclists from traffic on a small stretch of Palmerston North highway has been criticised by some motorists.
And, after a trial that's lasted more than a year, the future of the cycleway is… Audio
Too much heat makes transport fraught
The big budget for a new non-car harbour bridge in Auckland sparked a big 'bike-lash' in the media last week - and how we build and use our roads has become a huge wedge issue all around the country. … Audio
E-scooters - blot on the landscape, or the future of transport?
E-scooters have hit New Zealand's cities with a bang - often literally. Are they good news or bad news? And are they here to stay? Audio
Govt unveils Hutt Valley to Wellington cycle route designs
The government has unveiled plans to build a cycleway in a particularly treacherous route for cyclists between the capital and the Hutt Valley, with $94 million set aside for the project. Video, Audio
The cycleways debate continues
A University of Otago study has found investing in cycleways and walking paths encourages people to drive less, based on results from New Plymouth and Hastings. Audio
Commuters outraged over Dunedin's cycleways overhaul
There's growing ill-feeling between motorists and cyclists in Dunedin, and a local councillor fears plans to scrap all-day free parking from large swathes of the central city will only add to the… Audio
Cyclifying cities with tough cycle geography
Dunedin isn't the flattest of New Zealand's cities, and huge traffic queues have stretched back as cycleways are built. Are they worth the trouble? Audio
Street fighting: the media’s big bike battle
How we get around our cities has suddenly flared up in our news. Even media colleagues are calling each other haters and zealots, and calling each other out for fake news. But is this just background… Audio
Who is right about cycleways?
Auckland Council has responded to Mike Hosking's criticism of cycleways. The council says he was comparing the wrong data and he should "get out of his car". Audio
Backing for biking hits one-way traffic on air
Radio hosts know cyclists and cycle paths are a red rag to their frequently car-bound listeners. Mediawatch looks at how one broadcaster responded to research showing most Aucklanders support cycling… Audio
Auckland transport plan a missed opportunity - cyclists
Auckland cyclists are slamming Auckland Transport's multi-billion dollar transport plan as a missed opportunity that leaves the city stuck in the past. The Regional Land Transport Plan details how 16… Audio
Simon Wilson: Why Cycling is good for drivers
Simon Wilson argues that cycling is good for drivers and good for taxpayers, and should be encouraged in our biggest city. Audio
Creating a bike network
Last week we talked to you about Biketober - today we're looking at how communities can be designed to support cycling, improve transport and the health of those communities. A talk was held last… Audio
Residents still unhappy over Wellington's Island Bay cycleway
The compromise is a new dedicated cycleway between the footpath and the kerb at the same height allowing cars to park up against the kerb, costing about $4 million. Audio
Greens launch campaign for rail crossing of harbour
Putting a rail crossing under Auckland Harbour - rather than a road tunnel - could save billions of dollars, says the Green Party.
Chch cycleways may not live up to expectations
Promised a network of 13 cycleways that would keep cyclists separated from motorists, people in Christchurch are now discovering sections of the $162-million project involve cyclists sharing the road… Audio
Chch cycleway design 'compromised' - Greens
People using Christchurch's multi-million-dollar cycleway will have to share the road with motorists.