Dover Samuels
Covid-19: Northland iwi want roadside testing stations
Roadside Covid-19 testing stations could be set up on State Highway 1 heading into Northland as iwi race to figure out how to avoid escalating cases once the Auckland border lifts.
That happens in… Audio
Former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Michael Cullen dies aged 76
Matangireia: Dover Samuels
Former Labour MP Dover Samuels entered the party as a list MP in 1996 and by 1999 he was the most highly ranked Māori MP in the Labour caucus. In this episode of Mātangireia Samuels talks about his… Audio
Kaumatua wants Crown to buy Northland island
A Northland kaumatua wants the Crown to buy an island in Northland's Matauri Bay. The only privately owned island in the Cavalli group, Motukawaiti, is for sale for $22 million. The island - known as… Audio
Matangireia | Season 2 | Episode 7: Dover Samuels
Former Labour Party MP Dover Samuels is a veteran of Māori politics. But on his rise to prominence, a political scandal threatened to derail his career. Video, Audio
Matangireia | Season 2 | Trailer
The second season, Matangireia - Māori Political Legacies, explores the careers of former Māori members of Parliament. Video
Ngapuhi looks for new leader after Tau resignation
People in the Far North are now looking for a new face to lead the country's biggest iwi Ngapuhi, after the unexpected resignation of the runanga chair, Sonny Tau. While the details of his departure… Audio
Record number of Māori MPs for the north
The triennial reshuffle of MPs has seen a record number of northern Māori MPs this term, with three new faces making a total of nine members from Northland iwi.
All nine MPs have a Ngapuhi… Audio
Labour Maori MPs back Helen Clark's bid for UN job
Maori are divided over whether to back Helen Clark's bid to be the Secretary General of the United Nations. Audio
Dover Samuels says vote outcome disappointing
The former Maori Affairs Minister, Dover Samuels, says it's disappointing a vote on whether the Prime Minister should be invited to Waitangi wasn't binding. Audio
Dover Samuels tells of brutal school beatings
The prominent Northland kaumatua, Dover Samuels has told the Waitangi Tribunal a generation of Maori children were subjected to painful and degrading beatings for speaking te reo at school. Audio
Dover Samuels on being beaten for speaking te reo Māori at school
Former minister Dover Samuels has spoken for the first time of being left bloodied and bruised for speaking te reo Māori at school. Audio
Dover Samuels to tell Tribunal of beatings for speaking te reo
Northland's veteran of Maori politics, Dover Samuels is giving evidence to the Waitangi Tribunal today about a subject he's never spoken of before in public - the brutal punishment of young Maori… Audio
Northland MP says whole Kauri logs are being exported
Northland Maori leader, Dover Samuels, is calling for a moratorium on the mining of swamp kauri and a review of the laws that allow it. Audio
Labour will review failed campaign
Labour's pushing ahead with a review into its failed election campaign, but it remains a mystery as to when we'll see a leadership contest and how it will come about. Audio
Maori King's son avoids conviction
A former Maori Affairs Minister is railing against a judge's decision to discharge the Maori King's son without conviction on theft, burglary and drink driving charges. Audio
Former Labour MP Dover Samuels on Shane Jones' departure
Out-spoken Labour MP Shane Jones says he is quitting Parliament because his heart's not in it anymore. Mr Jones, who lost a leadership bid last year, is expected to take up an ambassador-level role in… Audio
Labour list MP Damien O'Connor fronts up to caucus
The Labour list MP, Damien O'Connor will front up to his caucus today about comments that have been denounced as inappropriate by his party leader. Audio
Labour list MP Damien O'Connor fronts up to caucus
The Labour list MP, Damien O'Connor will front up to his caucus today about comments that have been denounced as inappropriate by his party leader. Audio
Dover Samuels on Hone Harawira's latest stoush
Former long-time Te Tai Tokerau MP and Minister of Maori Affairs under a Labour Government, Dover Samuels comments. Audio