All bets off in 'extraordinary' election
Power Play - No-one is willing to call the result of this extraordinary election, RNZ political editor Jane Patterson writes.
Those bloody women: Could they shift the vote?
Analysis - A sharp shift to the left in the UK election was down to the young vote - and young women in particular. Kim Griggs asks if the same thing could happen in New Zealand this Saturday.
Mongrel Mob members encouraged to vote
Two Electoral Commission staff have visited the Mongrel Mob headquarters in Wairoa to try to get more members there to enrol.
Election17: The anxiety election
First Person - From nowhere, this election suddenly got interesting, and it has Craig McCulloch and the campaigning politicians he covers on edge.
Instinct, not policy, still winning at the ballot
Opinion - After seven weeks of policy debate, the right face at the right time could still be all it takes to change the government, Finlay Macdonald writes.
Both Labour and National could form Govt according to final election poll
RNZ Political Editor Jane Patterson joins John Campbell in the studio to discuss the latest poll which has National on 46 percent and Labour on 37 percent. Video, Audio
Dhb deficit $117.5m, but not finalised – Coleman
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the combined dhb deficit for the 16/17 year is $117.5m and the audited result is unlikely to change. But Checkpoint understands it could be much higher. Video, Audio
English votes as party leaders near end of election campaign
Political leaders are making their final push for votes as the spectacular 2017 election campaign hurtles towards an end. Video, Audio
VIDEO: Jacinda Ardern on Nine to Noon
Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern tells Kathryn Ryan her government would have to intervene to lift home ownership rates to what they once were. Video
A vote from the heart
Opinion - This election, who will you be casting your vote on behalf of, Deborah Mahuta-Coyle asks.
Debate a reality TV spectacle
Opinion - Both leaders are worthy finalists in the battle to be New Zealand's Next Prime Minister, judging by last night's debate, writes David Slack.
The debate's top five moments
What were the top five moments of the final leaders' debate between National's Bill English and Labour's Jacinda Ardern?
Election 2017: Game of Taniwha
Opinion - As the Māori electoral roll grows, so too does the role of Māori in the country's political fortunes, Dr Ella Henry writes.
A tale of two campaigns: Food banks and corporate offices
National and Labour were busy campaigning today ahead of their final debate tonight, with Bill English at big corporations and Jacinda Ardern at a union meeting.
National surges ahead in 1 News Colmar Brunton poll
Political scientist and commentator Bryce Edwards comments on the latest 1 News Colmar Brunton poll, which has put National on 46 percent and Labour on 37 percent. Audio
Sneak peek at RNZ's election night studio
RNZ presenter Guyon Espiner will be at a state of the art television studio set-up at Auckland University, where he'll be unpicking the election results with a panel of experts on Saturday night. Video, Audio
Bill English challenged by Vodafone worker during campaign visit
National Party Leader Bill English was questioned about poverty and then went to a bank, while Labour leader Jacinda Ardern went to a foodbank and a union meeting. Video, Audio
No facts in cleared National ad - BSA
A complaint against a National Party campaign ad parodying Labour's campaign motto has been dismissed by the BSA because the ad "clearly did not contain factual information".
Complaints over Paula Bennett campaign text
The Electoral Commission is investigating a message sent to 40 Upper Harbour voters in which their mobile numbers were visible to all recipients. Video, Audio
NZ First won't support water tax policies - Peters
New Zealand First will not support National or Labour's policies to impose new taxes on farmers or include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme, Winston Peters says.