Greens pledge $160m for compulsory te reo
The Greens would spend $160 million dollars to make te reo Māori a core subject for all schools from years 1 to 10.
Landlord's rent survey 'scaremongering' - Labour
A survey that found landlords would raise rents if a Labour-led government made it harder for them to make a profit is little more than scaremongering, says the Labour party.
Tax brakes: Labour eases up on working group changes
Power Play - Labour has been forced into a major shift in approach after ongoing attacks against its tax policy saw it losing grasp on the election, Jane Patterson writes.
VIDEO: Labour changes tax strategy after National attacks
Labour would not introduce any tax working group changes until 2021, with Grant Robertson saying they've listened to New Zealanders. Video
A brief history of voting quirks from ghost votes to political animals
What happens if you vote but die before election day? Advance polling has opened and Kate Newton has all your strangest questions covered.
Green Party fights as poll bodes ill
The Green Party says it has a strong base as polls show the party hovering above the number needed to stay in Parliament.
National MP confirms he taught 'spies', denies he is one
National Party MP Jian Yang has confirmed that he has taught 'spies' in China, but denied that he is a spy himself.
Tax plans become early voter election battleground
Labour leader Jacinda Ardern has come out firing, accusing National of lying and scaremongering over her party's tax plan.
Advance voting draws record numbers
Advance voting is continuing to attract tens of thousands of people to the ballot box.
Fact or Fiction: A superannuation special
"Here are the facts on NZ Super," New Zealand First leader Winston Peters declared at a rally in Auckland over the weekend. Fact or Fiction casts its beady eye Winston-ward.
'Crap' polls don't reflect NZ First's position - Peters
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has dismissed the country's political polls as "crap" and says the public should ignore them.
Focus on sustainable farming could bridge 'chasm' - professor
The nation needs to take stock of where farming is headed in the future and focus on sustainability, two agricultural leaders say.
Party support gap closing in business poll
There's been a surge of support for Labour from small business owners, a survey says.
Time to come clean on coalition compromises
Analysis - Under MMP we're voting for a coalition government and it's time politicians started acting like it, Tim Watkin writes.
Labour pushes for foreign buyer ban in South Korean FTA
Labour will renegotiate a free trade agreement with South Korea to stop foreign buyers purchasing existing homes, Labour's leader says.
Parents of truants should face tougher penalties - Act
The Act Party wants parents to face tougher penalties if their children are skipping school.
Māori party candidate cleared on bribery allegation
Māori Party Botany candidate Wetex Kang has been cleared of a bribery allegation by the Electoral Commission.
Labour pledges $38m to public broadcasting
The Labour Party wants to create a new public digital media service, built around RNZ, to transform it into something similar to the ABC in Australia.
Dr Bryce Edwards on latest election poll results
A Newshub-Reid Research poll out tonight shows National has rebounded to 47.3 per cent up 4 per cent and 10 points ahead of Labour which is down 1.6 per cent to 37.8. Audio
Almost 40,000 advanced ballots cast in first day
More New Zealanders are casting their vote early this year compared to previous elections.