Labour or National - What's Wellington's pick for Winston?
Politics-mad Wellington is buzzing today and the thing on people's minds is who will Winston pick?
LIVE: NZ's English 'satisfied' with potential agreement
Bill English says he's satisfied with the agreement National has reached with New Zealand First but "we'll have to wait and see" who Winston Peters chooses.
Former MP: 'My head says he'll go with Labour'
Two former MPs are picking Labour as New Zealand First's more likely coalition partner, ahead of Winston Peter's announcement this afternoon.
NZ First MP Mark Patterson: 'We're getting close'
New Zealand First is "98 percent of the way there" on policy discussions as it decides who to form a government with, MPs say.
Edging towards a final decision
Power Play - The New Zealand First board has packed up and gone home, and there is now a real sense of momentum towards the ultimate goal of forming a government, writes Jane Patterson.
NZ First board to meet again tomorrow
The New Zealand First board and its MPs will resume their discussions tomorrow about whether to form a government with National or Labour.
NZ First board to consider offers
The New Zealand First board and caucus will meet in Wellington today to decide who will lead the next government.
Political panel on the constitution and the hiatus
The political hiatus is almost over with Winston Peters due to meet his board on Monday. Otago Law Professor Andrew Geddis and Associate Professor Jennifer Curtin from the School of Politics and… Audio
Shares hit record despite government uncertainty
Share prices have hit a record high, despite uncertainty over who will form the next government.
New Zealand First MPs in full-day meeting
Winston Peters and his caucus will discuss different governing arrangements and ministerial positions at a meeting likely to last all day. Audio
NZ First refusing to say when it'll choose Govt
New Zealand First refuses to say when its board will make a decision on who it will enter Government with. Deputy Political Editor Chris Bramwell reports. Video, Audio
Black Friday coalition? Not likely
Power Play - Superstitious or not, tomorrow doesn't augur well for the announcement of a new government, RNZ's Political Editor Jane Patterson writes.
No government announcement by Thursday
New Zealand First will not reveal who it has chosen to form a government with by its self-imposed Thursday deadline.
'Huge progress' on coalition talks - Peters
Following his meeting with National this morning, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters said "huge progress" was being made, but he refused to go into detail about which policy areas were being…
Who's deciding: NZ First board list revealed
With a final day of coalition meetings under way at Parliament, close scrutiny is being given to members of the NZ First board who will sign off the winning deal.
Coalition talks to be done by tonight
It's crunch time for Winston Peters as he pushes into the final day of talks over forming a new government, and he says today will be the most substantive yet.
Negotiation secrecy a snub to democracy
Analysis - New Zealand will not fall apart while we wait for a government to be negotiated. But that does not mean we should accept a lack of respect for transparency, Tim Watkin writes.
Breathe in, breathe out: Dealing with election stress online
Finding the election all too much? Feeling a tad stressed? Charlotte Graham has some tips for those afflicted with the post-election blues.
Peters tight-lipped on coalition timeframe
The country may be kept in the dark over who will lead the next government right through until next week. Audio
Coalition talks picking up pace
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is to host up to four rounds of coalition talks today. Audio