Chris Hipkins delivers State of the Nation speech
Chris Hipkins has shuffled his deck of MPs, saying his new-look Labour caucus will be focused on jobs, health, and homes for the 2026 election. The Labour leader delivered his State of the Nation… Audio
Tuku Morgan on why he's so fired up
Waikato-Tainui leader Tuku Morgan tells Guyon why he's so fired about the backlash against te reo, how young Māori have the power to change the future and why he's not sorry about that underwear… Video, Audio
Hipkins to have a word with MPs after incorrect statements about National
Labour's leader will have a word with some of his MPs after they were caught making incorrect statements about what National and ACT have planned after the election. National says it shows the party… Audio
Political commentators Dale Husband & Tim Hurdle
Correspondents Dale Husband and Tim Hurdle join Kathryn to discuss Chris Hipkins ruling out any possibility of Labour working with New Zealand First and Winston Peters post-election - even as the… Audio
Political commentators Morton and Hughes
Gareth and Brigitte join me to talk about Labour's big week of policy announcements - we'll break them down and look at how and when they'll be paid for. We'll look at the politics of paid parental… Audio
Off or on? The debate over GST on fruit and veg
It's popular with the voters, but not with the experts. The Detail takes a closer look at the debate about Labour's GST plans. Audio
Business commentator Victoria Young
Labour has confirmed it will again use the same trio of ad agencies this election, despite a change in leadership, Victoria discusses this with Susie. And an appeal over a case concerning One NZ's… Audio
Midweek Mediawatch - a media storm over a mental health crisis
Midweek Mediawatch - Mediawatch's weekly catch-up with Nights. This week Hayden Donnell talks to Mark Leishman about the coverage of Kiri Allan's arrest and subsequent resignation - and media pushing… Audio
Poll analysis unhitches itself from reality
Nothing much changed in a 1News Verian poll released on Monday. Some commentators treated the boring results as a blank canvas on which to express their creativity. Audio
Political commentators Gareth Hughes & Tim Hurdle
Political commentators Gareth Hughes and Tim Hurdle join Kathryn to talk about the latest poll which has the Greens taking a major hit and National and Act able to govern alone. Audio
Political Editor Jane Patterson on Whaitiri crossing floor
In a surprise move Customs Minister Meka Whaitiri has announced she has left Labour and will stand instead for Te Pati Maori. She will not be ejected from Parliament under "waka jumping" legislation… Audio
Meka Whaitiri defects to Te Pati Maori
The government minister Meka Whaitiri has formally announced her defection from Labour. She will stand for Te Pati Maori in the Ikaroa-Rawhiti electorate, which she currently holds. Speaking at… Audio
The Week in Detail: From Posie Parker to processed foods
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Political commentators Neale Jones & Tim Hurdle
Neale, Tim and Kathryn discuss how much central government funding should Auckland get for its flood and cyclone clean-up.Also, where National is left after Labour's so-called policy "bonfire". And… Audio
High wage growth, low uneployment expected in Reserve Bank report
Record high wage growth and close to record low unemployment are likely to be the headlines of a fourth quarter labour market report due on Wednesday.
Carmel Sepuloni: What does it take to be deputy PM?
Who is Carmel Sepuloni - and why was she Labour's pick for deputy prime minister? Audio
The problem with entrenching party policy
Could entrenching part of the Three Waters legislation set a dangerous precedent? Audio
Political commentators Hughes & Hehir
We talk about the Reserve Bank's projections for recession - will it see the government rein in spending and will it impact Labour's election chances? We look at the compromises made over the hate… Audio
The Week in Detail: Policy scrambles, sorcery violence
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Labour's to-do list and the question of lasting reform
It's less than a year until the next election and Labour's still got a lot on its legislative agenda this term. Audio