A sweet life farming salt - "just a man and his bucket"
James Moore is up to his knees in the waves at Cable Bay in Northland, a bucket in each hand. He's a small-scale salt farmer, with a plan to help others into salt farming. Audio
Ali Hill: The Nutrition Edition
Dr Ali Hill from Otago University's Department of Human Nutrition is back. She looks at the different types of salt available and assesses their nutritional benefits. Audio
The Week in Detail: From Posie Parker to processed foods
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Shock, horror! Not all vegetables are best eaten raw
Did you know there are a number of vegetables that are healthier for you when cooked? (Spoiler alert: carrots are on the list.) Fellow in the Department of Human Nutrition at the University of Otago… Audio
What if the food advice we know is wrong?
A new study out of Sweden says decades of official dairy wisdom is incorrect, suggesting dairy fats can actually protect us against heart attack and stroke. Dr Ali Hill runs the rule over some of the… Audio
Top cooking tips with Vanessa Baxter: Butter
The Fearless Kitchen's Vanessa Baxter joins the show to share some top tips and offer up a traditional bread and butter pudding recipe. Audio
Study shows Kiwis are living longer in poor health
The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factor Study 2019 was published in the Lancet this week. It shows that New Zealanders are now living longer than ever but spending more years in poor… Audio
3MM: Vanessa Baxter on essential items for your larder
3 Minutes Max, New Zealand commentators with succinct opinions. Vanessa Baxter from The Fearless Kitchen shares some thoughts on essential items for your larder to help through social distancing or… Audio
Sodium - a salt of the earth spectator
Sodium is vital for life & usually found in combinaton with other more interesting elements, says Prof Allan Blackman in ep 77 of Elemental. Audio
Iodine - a vital trace element
A lack of iodine causes goitre, and seafood and iodised salt are good sources of this important trace element, says Prof Allan Blackman from AUT, in ep 38 of Elemental. Audio
Artisan sea salt from the Hauraki Gulf
Buckets of water from Auckland's Hauraki Gulf are being processed and refined into artisan sea salt. Landscape gardener, Greg Beattie was looking for an extra challenge, and his one man band venture… Audio
Tongan registers residing in New Zealand
Historical Tongan records of births, deaths and marriages of British subjects residing in Tonga between 1874 to 1968 can be found at the University of Auckland. Audio
Study says salt isn't the enemy
Nick Wilson from the University of Otago talks about whether salt really is the enemy of good health. Audio
Too much salt
We live in a high salt world, so how feasible is it in our current shopping environment to eat a low sodium diet Audio
Salt, Blood Pressure and the Brain
A new study in rats shows that the link between high salt intake and high blood pressure is caused by changes in the brain Audio
Holey cheese
Nicola Twilley of the New Yorker and the Edible Geography blog looks at why Swiss cheese has holes in it, and New York's plans to force restaurant chains to put a warning next to salty dishes. Audio
Publicising snacks and drinks that aren't for sale
Why is a leading business weekly publishing stories about novel snacks and drinks that you can't even buy in New Zealand? Audio
Study finds salt kills six times more people than car crashes
New research out of Australia claims that salt kills more people than car crashes. Audio
Salt tolerant potato
Dr Arjen de Vos of Salt Farm Texel in The Netherland has just won a major international award for the development of a potato that can grow in salty soils. Audio
Steak au Poivre with Pommes Frites
Recipe by Julie Biuso
From Afternoons on Friday 2 May 2014