Hugh Walton
More data on Pacific tuna needed to counter climate impacts
Fisheries experts say more accurate and detailed knowledge of Pacific tuna stocks is needed to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the resource. Audio
Climate change casts doubt on Pacific fishing rights management
Pacific Island countries may need to renegotiate fishing rights arrangements due to climate change induced tuna migration. Audio
Study on tuna migration to boost Pacific COP26 negotiations
A senior climate advisor with the Pacific community says a recently released study on climate induced tuna migration will boost the region's negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow. Audio
Scientists urge Pacific to be proactive about tuna migration
The authors of a new study predicting a dramatic change in Pacific tuna migration are urging regional leaders to be proactive. Audio
Climate change migration of Tuna threatening Pacific economies
New study finds the climate change induced migration of Tuna stocks is threatening future Pacific economies. Audio
Uncertain future for Pacific Tuna Fisheries
The management of the Pacific's Tuna fishery is facing an uncertain future with regional leaders calling for a review of the region's current regulatory systems. Audio