Jock Phillips
What was New Zealand like 200 years ago?
Historian Jock Phillips looks back 200 years and the run up to the Musket Wars.
The story of opening of NZ's first abortion clinic
Historian Jock Phillips talks about the controversial opening of the country's first abortion clinic in Auckland in 1974. Audio
All Black history : The Invincibles
We rewind 100 years of sporting history to look at the All Black team that blitzed its rivals. Historian, Dr Jock Phillips has spent a career uncovering and documenting Aotearoa New Zealand's past… Audio
Rolling back the years to NZ's first parliament
170 years ago - Parliament first sat. Audio
History: the genesis of Tongariro National Park
Historian Dr Jock Phillips' has spent a career uncovering and documenting Aotearoa New Zealand's past including Tongariro. Audio
New Zealand's history through 100 objects
Award-winning historian Jock Phillips looks at the history of Aotearoa through a fresh lens with his new book The History of New Zealand in 100 Objects. From the Puketoi kete to POLY1 personal… Audio
James Cook's Cannon
How much was the European settlement of NZ underlined by military hardware? Audio
Paddy Galvin's Pipes
Life on the South Island gold fields was harsh and grueling but softened a little by the music of Paddy Galvin's pipes. Audio
Amelia Haszard's Sewing Machine
The Tarawera eruption story told through the experience of Amelia Haszard and her sewing machine. Audio
Richard Seddon's Coronation Coatee
The story of Richard Seddon NZ's longest serving premier/prime minister, ardent supporter of the British empire, early social welfare proponent and cunning controversial politician. Audio
Parihaka Plough or Parau
The Parahaka story of in-justice and passive resistance looked at through the blade of a plough. Audio
Harold Pond's Napier Technical School Uniform
The story of the Napier earthquake told through the experience of Harold Pond. Audio
Chip and Rona Baileys Typewriter
A story about the struggle of the watersiders during the 1951 waterfront dispute. Audio
Tariq Omars Football
This story is about the Christchurch Mosque Shootings and some of the individuals involved. Audio
Leslie Adkin's Baton
The episode tells a story about a volunteer who become a "Special Constable" and joined a mounted unit of mainly farmers who supported the police in violent anti union strike breaking activities. Audio
Maori War Trumpet or Pukaea
This episode explores Abel Tasman's first encounter with the Tangata Whenua. Audio
The story of Aotearoa through 100 objects
Historian Dr Jock Phillips' latest work tells the story of New Zealand using 100 objects. Objects such as the sewing kete of an unknown 18th-century Maori woman; cannons from the Endeavour; the… Audio
Historian Jock Phillips on the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II
Former chief historian Dr Jock Phillips joins us from London to reflect on the Queen's impact on New Zealand's history and how she was received during her 10 visits to our shores. Audio
Jock Phillips: Making History
Historian Jock Phillips has made his career bringing history to life and convincing New Zealanders that our past has real value. Audio